British lawmakers demand UN support for Camp Liberty refugees – Church Times


“The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom (BPCIF) last week condemned the Iraqi government for ordering its forces to prevent the entry of goods, fuel, and septic tanks to an Iranian refugee camp at Baghdad airport. Camp Liberty, a former US base, is where 3000 members of the Iranian opposition group the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) are housed,” the Christian weekly Church Times wrote.

“The Mojahedin say that the order to block the entry of supplies and equipment came from the Iraqi National Security Adviser, Faleh Fayaz. Temperatures in Baghdad last week were close to 50°C, prompting the Iraqi government on one particular day to close all state institutions,” the Anglican weekly wrote on Friday.

“Nevertheless, troops guarding one of the entrances to the airport would not allow vital services to reach Camp Liberty. A spokesperson for the National Council of Resistance of Iran said that fuel was needed ‘to run the generators for basic life-support. The residents are suffering heatstroke in the metal containers they are forced to live in right now,'” it added.

The MPs and peers warned that the camp was on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe, and urged the US, EU, and UN to take immediate measures in order to lift the ‘repressive restrictions on the members of the Iranian opposition residing in the camp’.”

The BPCIF also announced new policy recommendations to the UK Government, “supported by nearly 100 MPs from all main parties, and members of the House of Lords, calling for a firm policy on Iran, and support for Iran’s democratic opposition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran,” the Church Times added.

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