Saturday, July 27, 2024

News- Find what is going on In Iran

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internet censorship in Iran

Iran News: Iranian Regime’s New Push to Launch National Web Raises Concerns Over Internet...

As detailed budgets for the new fiscal year are unveiled, it's evident that the administration of Ebrahim Raisi has allocated over six trillion tomans...

Iran News: Fatal Shooting of Two Kulbars by Iranian Border Guards Within 24 Hours

  Reports emerging from Kurdish sources reveal that in the past 24 hours, at least two young Kolbars (freight porters who carry heavy loads for...

Iran News: Iranian Central Bank Threatens Taxation on Currency Buyers Amid Soaring Dollar Prices

As tensions escalate in the aftermath of the Iranian regime's missile strike on Israel, the Iranian Central Bank has announced a new measure to...

Iran News: Protests Erupt Across Iran Over Various Grievances

In a wave of demonstrations spanning several regions in Iran, citizens took to the streets on Monday, April 15, to voice their discontent and...

Iran News: Retired Citizens Across Iran Rally for Economic Rights

Today, retirees across multiple cities in Iran have taken to the streets in protest, demanding better economic conditions and increased pension benefits. These demonstrations,...

Iran News: Protests Erupt Across Regions Over Rights and Grievances

In a widespread display of dissent, various groups across different regions of Iran voiced their grievances through protests on Saturday, April 13. In eastern Isfahan,...

Iran News: Internal Strife Grips Clerical Regime Over Exposed Senior Official’s Corruption Scandal

Amidst mounting criticism and internal strife within Iran's clerical regime, Kazem Sedighi, the temporary leader of Tehran's Friday prayers, delivered his sermon on April...

Iran News: Pakistan Officially Designates Tehran-backed Zeynabiyoun Brigade as Terrorist Organization

The Zeynabiyoun Brigade has been officially identified as a terrorist organization by Pakistan's Interior Ministry, according to a directive made public on Thursday. The...
iran hijab control tunnel metro

Iran News: Iran’s Regime Intensifies Pressure with Mandatory Hijab Enforcement

As internal conflicts within the ruling factions intensify and international and regional pressures increase, the Iranian regime aims to expand the enforcement of mandatory...
IRAN: Protesters in Karaj Chant: High Prices! Inflation! We Can Not Tolerate; Death to the Dictator

Iran News: Iran’s Economic Crisis Escalates as Officials Shift Blame Amidst Rising Prices

The ongoing economic turmoil in Iran has prompted state officials and affiliated experts to engage in a blame game, deflecting responsibility and cautioning about...