Iran News: YouTube Removes Iranian Regime’s Foreign Ministry Account for Violating Guidelines

According to Iranian state media, YouTube has taken down the account of the Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry following the release of a controversial video titled “Resistance, the Only Option for Palestine,” which violated the platform’s guidelines. The video was in line with Tehran’s propaganda and warmongering policies to trigger more conflict and bloodshed in the region.

This incident is part of a broader pattern of social media platforms acting against accounts linked to the Iranian regime for violating rules and spreading disinformation. In July 2019, Twitter suspended several accounts affiliated with Iranian state media, including the IRNA and Mehr News Agency, for breaking its conduct policies. Similarly, in April 2019, Instagram blocked accounts of Iranian leaders and IRGC commanders following the US designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

Social media companies have also taken action against Iran’s disinformation campaigns. In February 2019, Twitter and Facebook removed thousands of accounts linked to Iranian efforts to manipulate information and spread regime propaganda. These measures followed earlier suspensions in 2018, where Twitter identified and eliminated 770 accounts involved in coordinated manipulation.

The Iranian regime has a history of using fake accounts to push its agenda and manipulate public opinion. The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab noted that many Iran-based accounts posed as foreign journalists and US citizens to spread pro-regime messages.

The regime’s crackdown on social media and internet freedom extends domestically as well. The regime has blocked thousands of websites and platforms to control access to information, particularly targeting those affiliated with opposition groups like the People’s Mojahedin Organization (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

These actions by social media companies underscore the ongoing challenge of balancing free speech with the need to combat disinformation and uphold platform guidelines, especially when dealing with state-sponsored content that promotes violence or misleads the public.

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