Iran News: Resistance Supporters Rally Across Europe in Solidarity with Iran Revolution

Supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) organization have held rallies in several European cities to express their solidarity with the ongoing revolution in Iran. These demonstrations took place on April 6, 04, in Heidelberg, Germany; Stockholm, Sweden; and Oslo, Norway.

In Heidelberg, MEK supporters organized an exhibition to highlight the plight of the Iranian people and their struggle for freedom. Participants carried banners and chanted slogans in support of the Iranian revolution, calling for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic regime.

Similarly, in Stockholm, MEK supporters gathered for a rally, waving Iranian flags and denouncing the Iranian government’s crackdown on protesters. Speakers at the event emphasized the importance of international support for the Iranian people’s fight for democracy and human rights.

The rally in Oslo, Norway, also saw a strong turnout of MEK supporters, who marched through the city streets to voice their support for the Iranian revolution.

Participants expressed their admiration for the bravery of the Iranian people and their determination to bring about change in their country.

These demonstrations are part of a broader effort by the MEK and its supporters to raise awareness about the ongoing unrest in Iran and to garner international support for the Iranian people’s struggle against the authoritarian regime.

The rallies in Heidelberg, Stockholm, and Oslo reflect the growing global solidarity with the Iranian people’s quest for freedom and democracy. As the revolution in Iran continues to unfold, the international community’s attention and support for the Iranian people’s aspirations will be crucial in shaping the outcome of this historic struggle.

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