Iran News: Protests Sweep Iran Over Various Grievances

In Tehran, a significant number of retirees from the Social Security Organization rallied to reiterate their demands for higher pensions and other basic necessities. This protest was mirrored across several cities including Ahvaz, Kermanshah, Kerman, Shush, and Isfahan, reflecting widespread discontent among the country’s retirees.

In the country’s capital, the protests extended to landowners from the Khavaran district of Tabriz, who have come from the East Azerbaijan Province to Tehran and gathered in front of the Ministry of Roads & Urban Development, demanding the government uphold its commitments to deliver homes. Additionally, retirees from the steel industry protested in front of the Steel Retirement Fund’s office for better pensions and basic rights.

Also in the capital, at the international car expo, customers of the state-backed Modiran Vehicle Manufacturing Company rallied against what they described as unjust and illegal price increases by the company. This protest was part of a broader discontent with the company, which had also seen protests the previous day in front of the Ministry of Industries, Mines, and Trade.

In Damghan, northern Iran, retired mine workers from the East Alborz region held a protest rally, demanding higher pensions, access to healthcare, and other essential needs. Similarly, in Kermanshah, protesters also called for the release of imprisoned activists, including teachers and workers.

In Zanjan, northwest Iran, customers of the M2 housing project rallied to protest delays in the delivery of their homes, which, according to their contracts, should have been completed by January.

In Kerman, southern Iran, retired coal workers held a rally demanding higher pensions and access to healthcare, a sentiment echoed by various sectors nationwide.

In Shush, southwest Iran, social Security Organization retirees rallied in front of the Shush governorate to reiterate their demands for higher pensions and other basic needs.

July 20, 2024

In Tehran, employees of Moheb Kowsar Hospital protested against the deprivatization of the hospital and subsequent changes in staffing, which they claim have negatively affected their work conditions and job security.

July 19, 2024

In Lavan Island, southern Iran, workers of the Iranian Offshore Oil Company resumed protests after authorities ignored their demands for changes in wage determination policies, job classification, and company management.

July 18, 2024

In Sheikh Makan, western Iran, wheat farmers rallied to protest the non-payment for their sold wheat, demanding the return of their produce.

In Tehran and Zanjan, protesters rallied against the Modiran Vehicle Manufacturing Company for illegal price hikes.

In Ardabil Province, northwestern Iran, residents of Khams village formed a human chain to protest environmental degradation.

In Neyriz, Fars Province, residents protested against the cutting of drinking water.

In Lavan Island, protests from oil company workers continued for better wages and conditions.

In Mazandaran Province, retirees rallied for better pensions and healthcare access.

Also in Tehran, Kermanshah, Isfahan, Kerman, Shush, and other cities, retirees from various sectors demanded higher pensions and the release of imprisoned activists.

In a tragic incident in Iran’s southeastern province, a car chase involving fuel porters by security forces resulted in a vehicle overturning and catching fire, leading to the death of two individuals and injuries to a passerby who attempted to help. Additionally, three young fuel porters were injured by security forces in Kalleh Gan, Saravan.

The protests across Iran highlight a broad spectrum of societal issues, from economic discontent among retirees and workers to environmental and administrative grievances. These demonstrations underscore the people’s frustration with systemic issues and their urgent call for fundamental change.

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