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Iran News: Protest Rallies, Marches, and Strikes Sweep Across Major Iranian Cities on International Workers’ Day

Today, on International Workers’ Day, cities across Iran witnessed a surge in protest activities, with retirees, workers, and various groups expressing their discontent with prevailing economic and social conditions.

In Tehran, retired government employees took to the streets in a protest rally, coinciding with the global celebration of workers’ rights. Their demands echoed the sentiments of countless others across the nation, emphasizing the need for basic rights and fair treatment.

Meanwhile, in the capital’s gold bazaar, strikes persisted as merchants voiced their opposition to new tax laws, reflecting a broader frustration among business owners over government financial policies.

In Arak, central Iran, retired government employees also organized a protest rally, highlighting concerns over pension adequacy and social security issues.

Mashhad in the northeast witnessed retired workers staging protest rallies, demanding the government adhere to its own laws regarding pension adjustments. Chants reverberated through the streets as protesters emphasized their rights to livelihood and housing.

In Haft Tappeh, south Iran, workers asserted their demands with fervor, joining the global chorus on International Workers’ Day, underscoring the importance of unity and organization in effecting change amidst challenging circumstances.

The protest actions coincide with ongoing strikes by gold merchants across several Iranian cities, including Tehran, Tabriz, and Urmia. These strikes, sparked by discontent over taxation policies, underscore a growing rift between business owners and government authorities.

Furthermore, the economic landscape is fraught with challenges, as evidenced by the decline in the value of the national currency and gold. This economic instability has prompted individuals to refrain from selling their assets, fearing potential losses amidst fluctuating market conditions.

In Kermanshah, western Iran, retired teachers and pensioners of the Social Security Organization rallied on International Workers’ Day, advocating for their rights and calling for the release of imprisoned colleagues. Their banners boldly proclaimed, “Teachers don’t belong in prison. Release our colleagues.”

Furthermore, in Shush, southwest Iran, workers from Shush and Haft Tappeh joined hands to mark International Workers’ Day with protest rallies, adding their voices to the growing chorus of dissent against perceived injustices.

As Iranians commemorated International Workers’ Day and Teacher’s Day, retirees, pensioners, and workers alike converged to demand not just economic justice but also political freedoms. Their grievances highlight the pressing need for unity and organization among labor groups and retirees to address systemic issues and improve the overall socio-economic landscape in Iran.

Meanwhile, the PMOI Resistance Units marked the day with anti-regime activities across Iran, signaling a broader dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.