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Iran News: Police Raids Target Regime’s Cultural Centers Across Germany

germany hamburg islamic center mosque raid (1)

On the morning of July 24, 2024, German police executed a large-scale operation against extremist mosques across the country. The primary target was the Imam-Ali-Mosque in Hamburg, operated by the “Islamische Zentrum Hamburg” (IZH), which has been banned by the Federal Ministry of the Interior for promoting extremist ideologies. The IZH has long been under surveillance, suspected of being an arm of the Tehran regime.

At precisely 5:59 AM, heavily armed and masked officers of the Hamburg police force stormed the Imam-Ali-Mosque. The operation included the use of cutting tools, chainsaws, and battering rams to gain entry into the premises, specifically targeting the library and office areas.

During the raid, officers confiscated a substantial amount of evidence, including large sums of money, stored in both bags and safes. By 7:15 AM, the first sacks of evidence were removed from the mosque, and by 9:00 AM, plastic bags full of coins and bundles of banknotes were seen being transported out. A 1.5-meter-long safe and a black Audi A6 believed to be the Imam’s service vehicle, were also seized. Three individuals found sleeping inside the mosque were detained for questioning.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser emphasized the severity of the situation, stating, “We have banned the ‘Islamische Zentrum Hamburg’ because it propagates a totalitarian, Islamist ideology and supports terrorist organizations like Hezbollah. Today’s actions mark a decisive step against Islamist extremism in Germany.”

Simultaneous operations took place in Berlin, Munich, and other cities across eight federal states, including Bavaria, Bremen, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, and North Rhine-Westphalia. In Berlin, police raided a mosque in the Tempelhof district, while in Munich, the “Islamische Vereinigung Bayern” (IVB) was searched.

Hamburg’s Senator of the Interior, Andy Grote, praised the operation, stating, “The long arm of the Iranian regime in Germany has been severed today.” Berlin’s Senator of the Interior, Iris Spranger, also supported the actions, highlighting the importance of protecting democratic principles and combating antisemitism.

The IZH has been closely linked to the Iranian regime, with its head, Mohammad Hadi Mofatteh, reporting directly to Tehran. In 1993, the German intelligence services began monitoring the IZH, viewing it as an extension of Iran’s theocratic regime. Evidence of its extremist connections was reinforced when Mofatteh was caught with secret documents from Tehran at the Hamburg airport.

Tehran has long employed cultural centers as fronts for its covert operations, using them to recruit extremists, gather intelligence, and target dissidents across various countries. These centers, ostensibly established to promote Iranian culture and language, often serve as hubs for espionage and terrorism, orchestrating activities that align with the regime’s broader geopolitical goals.

In Albania, the disruptive presence of Iranian cultural centers has been particularly evident. The “Saadi Foundation,” directed by expelled Iranian diplomats, was closed by the Albanian government for engaging in activities that threatened national security.

Furthermore, the regime’s operations extend beyond Europe. In Iraq, the regime opened several cultural centers, including an establishment in Kirkuk. For years, these centers have been used to recruit members for the Iranian-backed Shiite militias, exacerbating sectarian tensions and undermining local stability.

Sudan also faced similar issues, when the government closed all Iranian cultural centers in the capital Khartoum back in 2015. These centers were found to be promoting the regime’s extremist ideology and engaging in activities that threatened the social fabric and intellectual security of the country.

Furthermore, Al-Mustafa International University, with branches worldwide, is a prominent example. It has been sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury for facilitating recruitment for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF). The university is known for enrolling foreign students and indoctrinating them with the regime’s false version of theology. These students are then recruited into IRGC-QF operations, including foreign militias fighting in Syria to support Bashar al-Assad’s regime or joining the ranks of other militant groups that advance the regime’s regional agenda.