Iran News: Argentina’s President Pledges Tougher Measures Against Iranian Regime for Terrorism

In a significant move to address longstanding issues of terrorism, Argentine President Javier Milei announced on Wednesday his administration’s plans to pass a law enabling trials in absentia for severe crimes. This legislative change is aimed primarily at prosecuting Iranian officials implicated in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires, which resulted in 85 deaths and over 300 injuries.

Speaking at the World Jewish Congress, Milei stressed the importance of standing firm against terrorism. “We must be firm and relentless against terrorism. There is no subtle distinction, only good and evil,” he declared. His remarks underscore Argentina’s commitment to justice for the victims of the AMIA bombing, an attack attributed to Hezbollah militants acting under directives from the Iranian regime.

The AMIA bombing, which devastated the Argentine Jewish community and left lasting scars on the nation’s history, has seen little progress in bringing the perpetrators to justice. Despite Argentina’s top criminal court blaming Iran and Hezbollah, Tehran has persistently denied involvement and instead tried to avoid accountability by bribing officials or leveraging grand interests. Milei’s proposed law would enable Argentina to hold the perpetrators accountable, even in their absence. “While they may never be able to serve a sentence, they will not be able to escape the eternal condemnation of a free court proving their guilt to the entire world,” he asserted.

In his address, Milei also criticized previous Argentine administrations for their mishandling of the investigation, accusing them of negligence, cover-ups, and evidence manipulation. He highlighted the April decision by Argentina’s top criminal court as an “enormous step” toward justice but acknowledged that more work remains. “We choose to speak out, not stay silent. We’re raising our voices, not folding our arms. We choose life because anything else is making a game out of death,” he passionately stated.

Milei linked the AMIA bombing to recent global terrorist activities. “In recent years, a link with the Islamic Republic of Iran has been revealed,” he noted, emphasizing Tehran’s continued involvement in supporting terrorist activities worldwide.

By allocating more resources to investigate the AMIA bombing and improving intelligence operations, Milei’s administration is taking definitive steps to combat terrorism and hold its perpetrators accountable. These measures highlight Argentina’s resolve to confront terrorism head-on and ensure that those responsible for such heinous acts are brought to justice, regardless of the passage of time or geographical barriers.

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