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HomeStatementsThe Story Of A Henchman Arrested In Sweden

The Story Of A Henchman Arrested In Sweden

The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism
The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism

NCRI logo

MOIS ploy to whitewash its agent

and use it against the Iranian Resistance

Hamid Noury’s case requires serious judicial investigation and free of Iranian regime’s involvement

  • Mohammad Moghiseh (Naserian), Head of Branch 28 of the Regime Supreme Court: “This Friday I told him not to go … I said it is a conspiracy. They will take you there and then arrest you.”
  • “An Iranian pilot is there, he had a family problem with a woman, he got divorced. He has said things about Hamid Noury in court … (Hamid Noury) said that he (the pilot) testified against me in court and testified against me to Sweden Security service … Hamid Noury was related to the woman who was divorced. Her husband (the pilot) reported Noury to the police …”
  • Henchman, Ali Razini, Head of Branch 41 of the Regime Supreme Court: our judiciary calmly announces that in the past and three decades ago, he was a low-level employee in such and such agency and then has retired and gone about his own business. They cannot engage in any maneuver over this if they have a plan.

On October 14, 2019, the Revolutionary Guards announced that the IRGC’s Intelligence Division had been able to deceive Ruhollah Zam (A dissident journalist stationed in Paris) in a “complex, multifaceted operation” and “lure and detain him inside the country.”

After less than a month, Iraj Mesdaghi (an MOIS agent used against MEK) suddenly appeared on November 10 and claimed that in a “complex, multifaceted operation,” he succeeded in getting one of the main culprits in the 1988 massacre arrested by a European judicial body, but, in order to “protect the defendant’s human dignity!” and because he is “bound by the rule of law,” he is excused from giving more information until “the accused is informed of the charge.”

Meanwhile, Mesdaghi claims in a ridiculous lie on his Facebook account on the same day: “After becoming aware of the great victory in “justice movement for victims of the 1988 massacre,” the evil representative of Rajavi’s cult contacted one of the lawyers in (Noury’s) case, and tried to tarnish my image, but received an appropriate and worthy response.” This is a clumsy way of pointing the finger at someone else to prevent further exposure of his mission as an MOIS agent.

Mesdaghi’s bluffing and boasting about protecting Noury’s human dignity continued unabated until Wednesday, November 13, when the Swedish judiciary appointed a court to investigate and decide whether to continue Noury’s detention. Iraj Mesdaghi appeared on the BBC Persian Service (notorious for its pro-Tehran reporting) and said: “In any case, we also have our sources! If the Islamic regime claims to have captured and arrested Ruhollah Zam in a complex and multifaceted operation in Iraq, it should know that our motivation to pursue crimes against humanity is far greater than the motivation of criminals to commit crimes.”

In the final stage of the regime, the infighting between regime’s factions has escalated. In a sophisticated intelligence operation, the regime is attempting to whitewash its unmasked agent (Mesdaghi) and at the same time undermine the Iranian Resistance. The regime particularly needs this, because as a result of the relentless efforts of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the “Justice Movement” for the victims of the 1988 Massacre has advanced in recent years, and more than ever the regime needs to confront it and muddy the waters.

The remarks of henchman Mohammad Moghiseh, Hamid Noury’s superior in Gohardasht prison, and another henchman Ali Razini the day after Hamid Noury’s arrest in Sweden shed light on the hidden angles:

1. Moghiseh says that the police, intelligence, and the court in Sweden were already aware of the cases through an Iranian pilot (the divorced husband of Hamid Noury’s stepdaughter).

2. Moghiseh strongly opposed his subordinate’s trip to Sweden because of his role in the 1988 massacre, but other actors in the regime downplayed the issue and reassured Noury to go.

Mohammad Moghiseh’s remarks:

“I told him not to go. I told him this Friday. He knew this. He came and said I might be arrested. I told them, why are you going? I told him. He had gone (abroad) several times before, but they did not bother him. Every year, he goes there for 10 days. He had some dispute with someone. He had filed a complaint. I told him don’t go. Why are you going? I told him this is a conspiracy. They are dragging you there and arresting you.

“Yep, there’s an Iranian pilot there. He had some family problems with a woman and divorced her. In the court, he had said that Hami Nouri did this or than in the system. He was saying these things. I was surprised. He said these had been raised in court. Then that guy wrote a report against him that he was part of the suppressive groups and this and that, in Iran.

“This family dispute, a husband and wife who had divorced. They this gentleman was an intermediary for their marriage. They also had a child. This is how their story was. He said that he had said some things against me in the court there and in the intelligence department there.

“He was an employee, an employee. Was my chief of staff. He was an employee in the Revolutionary Court in the 1980s amid (dealing with) the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

“He had gone there 10 times and did not bother them. He would go to foreign countries regularly, and there was no ban.

“No, this husband whose wife had divorced him and had a dispute, they were families. And the husband has given this information to the police. This gentleman, stepfather of this woman, he is active in the state.”

Ali Razini’s remarks:

“Look, how important was their information? The more I think, what have they been able to obtain? Does he have high-level information? Or has been an interrogator in Evin in 1981. What’s going to come out of this? Nothing. It is all spent information.

“It wants documents. This requires documents. In other words, they announce, assume our judiciary calmly announces that in the past and three decades ago, he was a low-level employee in such and such agency and then has retired and gone about his own business. They cannot engage in any maneuver over this if they have an agenda.
“Now, for instance, an interrogator has had a few limited low-level dossiers. You recall back then how things were, the prosecutor’s offices and its branches. They really did not have a lot of judicial authority. In reality, it was an instrument of investigation. He does not know much and has no information that (foreign) intelligence agencies could use.”

Specific sources

Concerning “specific sources” Mesadaghi mentioned in his BBC interview, it must be said that, as experience and many previous examples have shown, such sources work with the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). Under various pretexts, the MOIS instructs its agents, some collaborating with as part of Evin Prison’s Prosecutor’s office in the early 1980s, which hunted down dissidents, to disseminate misinformation. These false reports include “the 92 report [by Mesdaghi],” the narrative of “suspicious deaths within the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK),” the narrative of “internal clashes within the MEK,” covering up the massacre of the MEK during the September 1, 2013 attack on Camp Ashraf, attributing murder and burning the face of the guide for the assassins who attack the MEK in Ashraf, in fabricating fake internet accounts for members of the NCRI, in publishing a forged and repugnant documents purportedly signed by General … Nassiri, the head of the Shah’s secret police, SAVAK, against the NCRI Chairman, publishing “the forms to transfer members of the MEK cult to Ashraf-3 for further isolation,” simultaneous with an MOIS-run association in Mazandaran Province (northern Iran), and publishing pictures of MEK’s internet communications in Ashraf-3, simultaneous with the MOIS’s association, while claiming that “it was unprecedented to see a picture coming out from within the MEK in the past 40 years.” (July 25, 2019)

The fatwa for the massacre

In his fatwa to kill the MEK, Khomeini wrote: “Those in all prisons throughout the country remain steadfast in their allegiance to the MEK are Moharebs, i.e., are waging war on God and must be sentenced to death… It would be naïve to have mercy on Moharebs… I hope that with your revolutionary rage and vengeance toward the enemies of Islam you can gain God’s satisfaction.”

In the complementary decree, Khomeini wrote, “Anyone at any stage, so long as he/she remains steadfast in his/her position, must be sentenced to death. Eliminate the enemies of Islam immediately… Ruhollah Mousavi Al-Khomeini.”

What reveals Mesdaghi’s true intentions is the fact that identical with Khomeini’s fatwa, he continues to curse and condemn those who remain steadfast in their allegiance to the MEK and their leader (Massoud Rajavi). He is as vengeful against Massoud Rajavi as were Assadollah Lajevardi (Evin Prison warden), Mohammad Moghiseh, and Hamid Noury. For years, Mesadaghi has been trying to track Massoud Rajavi. Several days ago, on November 6, 2019, during an interview with a website, he said “two bullets” would suffice for Massoud Rajavi. The mullahs’ notorious MOIS is now using the services of this criminal agent to further smear the martyrs and expand on demonizing the MEK so as to whitewash the mullahs’ criminal regime.

A reminder

On August 10, 2019, Massoud Rajavi told a meeting of the MEK at Ashraf, “When the situation becomes tough, the regime’s factional feuding escalates. This is particularly the case after NCRI’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi demanded that the United Nations Security Council consider addressing the heinous crime against humanity, namely the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in 1988, and arrange for the prosecution and punishment of the regime leaders for their role in this crime. We will of course continue to insist on this. But this issue will not be forgotten. How can anyone forget this when it comes to Iran’s history? Sooner or later, the regime’s factions will inevitably, and step by step will have to reveal this. This is how, during the final phase of the regime, the mullahs are reluctantly exposing each other, one after the other.”

the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

Security and Counterterrorism Committee

November 15, 2019
