NCRI welcomes Maldives’ decision to sever ties with Iran regime


Call on all countries to cut ties with the religious fascism as a necessary action against terrorism

The Iranian Resistance welcomes the decision of the Maldives government to sever its ties with the religious dictatorship ruling Iran, which is the epicenter of extremism and Islamic fundamentalism in today’s world, and it emphasizes that the Iranian regime is the number one enemy of peace and security in the world especially in the Middle East and the Islamic world. It calls on all Arab and Islamic countries to reject this regime and sever ties with it.

The religious tyranny ruling Iran since the beginning of its rule has brought nothing but malice, export of terrorism, warmongering and meddling, killing innocent people and destruction for the peoples of the region. Syria’s devastating situation with more than 500,000 dead and more than half of its population displaced is only one example of the consequences of the policies of the mullahs’ regime in this part of the world.

Following its retreat from the nuclear bomb the clerical regime is entangled in ever increasing internal and international crises and, while it is suffering more losses in Syria, has found itself more and more in need of exporting fundamentalism, extremism and terrorism to escape its inevitable overthrow.
Cutting off diplomatic relations with the clerical regime is a positive and necessary step in confronting the urgent threat of fundamentalism and terrorism that has engulfed the region. In order to overcome this ominous phenomenon, in addition to a strong approach toward its epicenter in Tehran under the mullahs, the international community must respect and support the will of the Iranian people and their resistance to overthrow this regime and establish popular sovereignty and democracy.

National Council of Resistance of Iran, Foreign Affairs Committee
May 18, 2016

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