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Weapons, oil and other aides dispatched to Syrian dictator by mullahs’ regime through Iraqi border

By declaring dominance over Iraq and Lebanon, commander of terrorist Qods force threatened to use them in its war against international community

NCRI – The Iranian regime has instructed Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to facilitate dispatch of weapons, Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and other armed forces such as Asa’eb al-Haq, oil and essential aides to Syrian dictator through Iraq’s common border with that country.

Hassan Danaifar, the Iranian regime’s ambassador to Iraq and a commander of Qods force, had given these instructions to al-Maliki and he in turn has given his assurances to fulfill these instructions.

Three weeks after departure of American forces from Iraq, Revolutionary Guard Major General Qasim Suleimani, head of the terrorist Qods force and a close associate to Khamenei, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, revealed the truth and while emphasizing that the mullahs’ regime has dominance over Iraq and southern Lebanon, threatened that it will use those two countries in its war against the international community. He said: “Iraq and Southern Lebanon are under Tehran’s dominance its ideology” and that the regime “has the power to start movements in these two countries for creating Islamic governments for the purpose of fighting against Arrogance [mullahs’ derogatory term to refer to the US.]”
This leaves no doubt that as the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly announced, the true ruler of Iraq is the terrorist Quds Force and Qasim Suleimani, and the current government of Iraq is a puppet of the religious fascism ruling Iran and is carrying out its orders. Similarly, the attacks, the killings, and the anti-human siege of Ashraf residents and the prison-building project at Camp Liberty for transferring Ashraf residents there, are entirely designed and led by the Quds Force.

The head of Quds Force added that the mullahs’ regime can “control” the region’s revolutions “and sway them against the enemy. The regional revolutions are gradually taking on Islamic character and gradually resemble Iran’s revolution.” But Suleimani, who is terribly horrified of the Syrian dictator’s fall, while supporting Bashar Assad, foolishly said: “The Syrian people are completely loyal to the Syrian government and the opposition supporters have not yet been able to hold a million-strong gathering against the government.”

These remarks, which represent Khamenei’s blackmail of the international community, displays the regime’s fear of the collapse of its regional front as a result of Syrian people’s uprising on the one hand, and its open efforts to scare off others in order to force them to refrain from enforcing oil and financial sanctions against it. This clearly demonstrates the extent in which the mullahs’ regime takes advantage of the lack of resolve and firmness on the part of the international community to consolidate its power and advance its projects for nuclear arms and export of terrorism and fundamentalism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 21, 2012