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UNGA Third Committee condemns Iranian regime’s interventions in Syria with an overwhelming majority


Any solution for Syria which does not ensure complete expulsion of the Iranian regime and its IRGC is doomed to fail

The Third Committee of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution Tuesday, November 15, 2016, on “the grave deterioration of the human rights situation” in Syria, strongly condemning the terrorist interventions including by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps in that country.

The resolution adopted by an overwhelming majority of 115 against 15 opposing votes, indicates the international community’s desire to end the clerical regime’s interventions in Syria.

Article 24 of this resolution strongly condemns terrorist interventions in Syria by “particularly the Al-Quds Brigades, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and militia groups such as Hizbullah, Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq and Liwa’ Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas.” The resolution “expresses deep concern that their involvement further exacerbates the deteriorating situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, including the human rights and humanitarian situation, which has a serious negative impact on the region.”

In Article 25, the resolution also strongly condemns all attacks against the Syrian moderate opposition and calls for their immediate cessation, given that such attacks benefit terrorist groups and contribute to a further deterioration of the humanitarian situation.

The clerical regime’s representative brazenly opposed the resolution and underlined the Iranian regime’s determination to continue its criminal policies to fight and slaughter the people of Syria. (The state-run Fars News Agency, November 15, 2016)

The Iranian regime has time and again reiterated that if it does not fight in Syria, the pillars of its rule in Tehran will be jeopardized. For this reason, the regime’s leaders openly call Syria as Iran’s 35th province. In February 2016, Khamenei said, “If the defenders of the Holy Shrine (of Hazrat Zeinab) did not fight (in Syria), we would have to fight in (the western Iranian provinces of) Kermanshah and Hamedan.”

The president of the religious fascism ruling Iran, Hassan Rouhani, also made an unprecedented confession on February 8, 2016, when he said, “If our Armed Forces did not secure our country’s security, if our valiant commanders did not persevere in Baghdad, Samarra, Fallujah, Al-Ramadi, etc., if they did not help the Government of Syria in Damascus and Aleppo, if it were not for the courage of the Army, the Guards Corps (IRGC), the (paramilitary) Bassij Force, and the State Security Force, we would not have any security to enable us to hold such a good negotiation.”

The next day, Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the regime’s Supreme National Security Council and one of Rouhani’s confidants, made the following comment in the funeral ceremony for the Revolutionary Guards killed in Syria. He said that if these had not been killed in Syria, “our Tehran would have been insecure, our Hamedan and out Ahwaz would have been insecure.” He made threats to Western and regional countries and added, “In dealing with regional and trans-regional state sponsors of terrorism, we will carry out any action that we are able to do in various fields.”

Iran’s clerical regime is the prime source of crisis in Syria, the main cause of the empowerment and expansion of Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) in Syria, and the spread of terrorism in vast parts of the world. Eviction of the clerical regime and its IRGC and Quds Force from Syria is the first and most significant step towards ending the crisis in Syria. Any solution that does not include complete expulsion of the Iranian regime and its forces from Syria, is doomed to fail.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 16, 2016