Uncovering Another Terrorist Plot of the Iranian Regime’s MOIS Against the MEK in Germany Simultaneous To the Belgian Terror Trial

The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism
The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism

On the eve of the trial of the bomber-diplomat of the Iranian theocratic regime and three of his accomplices in Belgium, another Iranian regime Intelligence Ministry terrorist plot against the PMOI (MEK) in Germany was revealed.

The Security and Counterterrorism Commission of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) informs Iranian compatriots and German officials of part of its findings in the form of the following letter, in gratitude to its author, Mr. G.D., an Iranian resident of Germany.

It is important to note that the Ministry of Intelligence and Security’s (MOIS) telephone calls were intermittently made from numbers with country codes of the United Kingdom, Iran, and Romania.

As stated in the letter, the regime’s intelligence services manipulate family connections to spread the trap of espionage and terrorism. The Belgian court also revealed that the Ministry of Intelligence, using money, women, and family connections, recruited Amir Saadouni into service and prepared him to commit one of the biggest terrorist crimes on European soil.

The present letter, while pointing to the regime’s rush to obtain information, emphasizes the ministry’s recruitment tactics in relation to all mercenaries under the rubric of “good work, good money,” and uncovers the rule regulating the MOIS’s relationship with its recruited agents.

The Commission draws the attention of the general public, especially the supporters of the PMOI (MEK) and the Iranian Resistance, to the filthy and vile tricks of the clerical regime in the last stages of its disgraceful life and calls on them to inform the offices of the PMOI (MEK) and the NCRI of suspicious contacts by the regime’s MOIS and terrorist Quds Force at the first opportunity to thwart the plots of espionage and terrorism.

The Commission once again calls for the trial, punishment, and expulsion of the agents and mercenaries of the MOIS, IRGC, and the Quds Terrorist Force from European countries. The deprivation of asylum and nationality from them. Germany and other European countries should condition the continuation of relations with the mullahs’ regime on ceasing and desisting of all the regime’s espionage and terrorist activities on their soil. As revealed in the Belgian court, the religious fascism ruling Iran has for four decades used diplomatic relations and asylum and nationality in the service of demonization, espionage, and terrorism.

National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
Security and Counterterrorism Committee
December 7, 2020


Letter by G.D. to the PMOI (MEK) – December 2020

To the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)


Since 2004, I (G.D.) escaped the hell of repression and pressure of the mullahs with my wife and two daughters and was granted asylum in Germany, and it is my duty to inform you of a treacherous and terrorist plot by Khamenei-Rouhani’s intelligence apparatus, especially because I am more concerned that they are on the verge of terrorist retaliation against the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) on the eve of the trial of their terrorist-diplomat, Asadi, in Belgium, according to his confession. The Ministry of Intelligence or the terrorist intelligence apparatus of the Qods Force, using a series of my family connections recently, tried to get me to collect and send them information about the MEK and their sympathizers in exchange for dirty money. After a few telephone communications, someone nicknamed Babak contacted me via WhatsApp. “Babak” tried to encourage me in constant communication through WhatsApp that he would pay good money in return for me giving information, and he would even talk about a monthly payment for me and tell me why do you go to work. He told me several times not to delay and was in a hurry to get the information immediately.

Babak told me that if you work well, I’ll pay you well, and I’ll help you financially, and I’ll give you a salary, as long as you do good work, don’t worry about the money, the better you work, the more I’ll defend you, and I’ll give you more money. So it’s a simple equation, good work equals good money. Also, you shouldn’t delay it too much like now. It’s several days I am saying send charts and documents, and you haven’t done anything yet. Work closer with us. Okay, first I need to know what you can do. Where you can go and what you have access to. Work well, and I’ll help you somehow so you don’t have to go to work outside, but good work gets good money, okay?

Send pictures and videos from all the offices and homes. From (Javad) Dabiran’s office (Deputy Director of the NCRI in Berlin). I want to know who you think is in these places. I’m waiting for your files to be sent, and I’m waiting. I mean, I’m sure you’re working, just send that chart that isn’t a big deal soon. Draw it on paper, and you’re going to write down the responsibilities, address, phone number, and everything you have from each person beneath it. I told you that I’d pay. Do that documentation and do the chart, and then I’ll pay you, and then you’ll continue to work like that. I’ll pay and pay on condition of good work. And be precise. Show some courage, and I’m gonna ask you.

I will provide you with documents related to this dirty plot in all its details so you can make public opinion more vigilant about the plans and plots of these murderers.

The above was part of the regime intelligence agent’s posts on WhatsApp to me, and I hope that with this news, I have been able to defeat the terrorist plot of this criminal regime, which, especially after the 2019 uprising, is fighting for its survival, and to have effectively helped in the security of the MEK and their sympathizers as well as German citizens.


Persian date Azar 1399 (December 2020)


The original letter in Persian: 

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