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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismTrip by mullahs’ foreign minister to London and participation in Syria conference...

Trip by mullahs’ foreign minister to London and participation in Syria conference will only intensify the Syrian crisis


The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the trip by the foreign minister of the religious fascism ruling Iran to the UK and his participation in the Syria Donors Conference scheduled for February 4. The Iranian Resistance calls for cancelation of Zarif’s invitation and participation in the conference.

The clerical regime ruling Iran and its crimes in Syria are the primary problem in that country and throughout the Middle East. Seeking the engagement of the Iranian regime in solving the Syrian crisis is as legitimate and as rational as asking an ‘arsonist to put out the fire’.

The clerical regime has been the main reason for Bashar Assad’s survival and continuation of the massacre of the Syrian people. It has dispatched more than 5000 commanders and rank and file of the IRGC and tens of thousands of its foreign mercenaries including those from Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and it has provided complete logistical and military support to Assad’s regime. The Iranian regime has spent tens of billions of dollars of the Iranian people’s wealth in order to maintain Assad in power. The most senior officials of the clerical regime have reiterated on numerous occasions that without their direct and full-fledged support, the Assad regime would have been overthrown on a number of occasions. The Iranian regime’s officials have explicitly described Syria as one of “Iran’s provinces” that has to be fought for vigorously. The downfall of Bashar Assad would be a devastating blow to the clerical regime. Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian regime’s president, during his European tour last week, once again reiterated the need to support Assad.

Javad Zarif is a loyal functionary of the religious dictatorship that has been ruling Iran through sheer repression (including some 2300 executions during Rouhani’s tenure), warmongering in the region, and export of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. Zarif’s mission is to maintain the survival of the clerical regime, which is engulfed in crises from all directions and is facing regional deadlock and unprecedented isolation.

Inviting Zarif and other officials of the Iranian regime to solve the Syrian crisis only emboldens this regime in further warmongering in the region and exporting Islamic extremism and terrorism. This is a profound insult to the people of Iran and Syria who are ruthlessly suppressed by the clerical regime and its mercenaries on a daily basis.

Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 2, 2016