Threats by Iran Regime’s Imprisoned Diplomat in Belgium Meant To Obstruct the Judicial Process

Assadollah Assadi, Iran regime’s diplomat terrorist

The clerical regime, terrified by the revelation of its full record of terrorism and crimes, is desperately trying to prevent justice from being served through threats and blackmail

The inhumane clerical regime, which is terrified of the results of the trial of its diplomat terrorist in Belgium and the revelation of its entire record of terror and crime, is desperately trying to prevent justice from being served through threats and blackmail. According to Reuters, Assadollah Assadi, the regime’s diplomat terrorist, who was imprisoned in Belgium in June 2018 for plotting to blow up a large Iranian gathering in Villepinte Paris, warned Belgian police authorities of “possible retaliation by unidentified groups if he is found guilty.” Assadi is due to stand trial in Belgium on November 27, 2020, along with three other accomplices.

The regime’s diplomat terrorist, who has mistaken the Belgian court with the clerical regime’s death committees and Kangaroo style courts, told police in a 31-minute meeting that the Belgians “do not realize what is going to happen, in the event of an unfavorable verdict,” the minutes, taken by the Belgian police, say.

Reuters wrote, “Minutes of a March 12 meeting between Assadi and Belgian police, seen by Reuters and confirmed as authentic by his lawyer, show… (He) warned Belgian authorities that his case was being closely watched by undisclosed groups in Iran and neighboring countries… Assadi told police that armed groups in Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and Syria, as well as in Iran, were interested in the outcome of his case and would be ‘watching from the sidelines to see if Belgium would support them or not.'”

These brazen threats show that the export of terrorism and the murder of dissidents are part of the ruling religious fascism’s strategy for survival in which all the leaders of the regime, the IRGC, and the Quds Force are directly involved. For the past two years, ambassadors and officials of the clerical regime have regularly visited Assadi in a Belgian prison. For the past four decades, the regime’s embassies and missions have always been the center of espionage, terrorism, and conspiracy against the Iranian opposition and refugees.

Assadi, the Ministry of Intelligence station chief in Austria (the main base of the Ministry of Intelligence in Europe), personally handed over TATP explosives to Amir Saadouni and Nasimeh Na’ami in Luxembourg on June 28, 2018, to attend a resistance rally in Villepinte.

The clerical regime, furious over the mass transfer of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK / PMOI) members to Albania, terrified by the December 2017 – January 2018 uprising, and concerned about the growing international recognition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and its President-elect, sought to assassinate Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and prominent American and European guests in Villepinte.
Mrs. Rajavi testified for 7 hours by presenting documents and stated that the regime’s Supreme National Security Council, which is presided over by Hassan Rouhani, approved this terrorist operation and Khamenei ordered its implementation. She stressed that in addition to Assadi and other terrorists arrested as perpetrators of this crime, the masterminds, namely Khamenei, Rouhani, Zarif, and Mahmoud Alavi, the Minister of Intelligence, should also be prosecuted. This is necessary to stop the mullahs’ unbridled terrorism, Mrs. Rajavi added.

The European Union must strongly condemn the clerical regime’s terrorist threats, which are designed to obstruct the judicial process in Belgium. Silence and appeasement will further embolden this regime to carry out assassinations, commit crimes, and engage in blackmail. Experience has shown that the only effective policy to counter the unbridled terrorism of the ruling mullahs in Iran is to adopt a decisive approach. The closure of embassies and the trial and expulsion of mercenaries and intelligence agents of this regime, operating under any cover, is the first necessary action to counter the mullahs’ terrorism. The use of terrorism to obstruct the judicial process increases the need to expel the regime’s representatives and close its embassies and missions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
October 10, 2020

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