The Release of Hamid Noury Encourages the Mullahs’ Regime to Continue Its Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity


The Swedish Ministry of Justice announced in a press release that the Swedish government intends to propose a law to the country’s parliament that would allow foreign prisoners in Sweden to serve the remainder of their sentences in their own countries.

The Swedish Minister of Justice stated that foreign nationals “should serve their sentences in their own countries as far as possible.” According to the Ministry of Justice’s announcement, this law will come into effect on July 1, 2025.

It appears that similar to the Belgian government that released the terrorist diplomat Assadollah Assadi, the Swedish government is also yielding to the blackmail and hostage-taking tactics of the criminal mullahs to pave the way for the release of Hamid Noury, who is currently serving a final life sentence.

The NCRI’s Committee on the Judiciary strongly condemns any groundwork for the release of Hamid Noury. Rewarding those responsible for mass killings, torturers, and bomb-planting terrorists emboldens the criminal mullahs and IRGC officials in their genocide and crimes against humanity against the Iranian people, as well as in their unbridled terrorism.

In addition to blackmail and taking Swedish citizens and dual nationals hostage, the mullahs’ regime has repeatedly attacked and insulted the Swedish judiciary through its foreign ministry and judiciary spokespeople, as well as state-controlled media, for prosecuting and convicting Hamid Noury.

Less than two weeks ago, Kazem Gharibabadi, the Deputy of the Judiciary of the regime, stated in a meeting with Hamid Noury’s son: “All relevant bodies, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Human Rights Headquarters, and the International Affairs Department of the Judiciary, are working to release” Hamid Noury” (IRNA, May 27, 2024).

While the United Nations fact-finding mission, elected in part with votes from the Swedish government, has called on countries worldwide to prosecute and hold accountable those responsible for crimes against humanity in Iran within their judicial systems, the release of Hamid Noury would be a violation of Sweden’s international commitments to combat major crimes.

All prisoners, torture survivors, plaintiffs, families of massacre martyrs, and the entire Iranian people vehemently oppose and condemn the release of Hamid Noury, who has been sentenced to life imprisonment. Giving in to the criminal and hostage-taking mullahs encourages them to further turn Swedish soil into a playground for their terrorist activities.

In 2023, 31 parliamentary majorities, and so far in 2024, 22 parliamentary majorities, have condemned the execution of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 by order of Ruhollah Khomeini in global statements supporting the resistance of the Iranian people and have called for accountability for those responsible for this major crime.

National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

Committee on the Judiciary

8 June 2024

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