The mullahs’ ridiculous theatrics blaming the PMOI for the bombings during Ashoura

NCRI – Resorting to a ridiculous deceit through pre-planned theatrics, the inhuman mullahs’ regime has blamed “mercenaries and Monafeqs [the regime’s derogatory term for the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)]” and “extremist groups” for hurling grenades toward mourners of Ashura rituals in the eastern city of Torbat Jam on January 7, 2009, which left a number of people dead and wounded (State-run Fars News Agency, January 8, 2009). The report also claimed “significant speed of provincial security” in arresting “suspects,” and obtaining quick “confessions” regarding “the links of the crime’s perpetrators to foreign agents,” and expressed hope that the arrested face “punishment as soon as possible.”

As such, the mullahs’ regime is plotting to execute prisoners and dissidents. The regime’s ridiculous theatrics is reminiscent of its blaming the PMOI for the bombing the Imam Reza shrine as well as the killing of innocent pilgrims during the 1994 Ashura rituals.

No one has committed as much crimes against the sanctity of various religions and their followers, including Shiites, Sunnis, Christians, and Jews, as has the ruling religious fascism in Iran. The brutal murder of Christian leaders in 1994, the murder of pilgrims in Mecca in 1987, the violent suppression of dervishes and the destruction of their mosques and religious centers in various cities constitute a part of these crimes.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 9, 2009

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