The Iranian resistance condemns Iraqi Government incursion to Iraqi Kurdistan and recognizes that as mullahs’ attempt to save Assad



• Condemnation of creation of “Dijla Operations Command” by Maliki and government’s actions against Kurdistan in a joint statement of 14 parties in Iraqi Kurdistan
The Iranian resistance strongly condemns Iraqi Government incursion to Iraqi Kurdistan and violation of the rights of the people of this region, and any aggression against the people and Peshmarga of Iraqi Kurdistan under the pretext of “sovereignty” in Iraq.
Incursion to Iraqi Kurdistan, which is done in coordination with and on the order of the terrorist Qods Force, like the war in Gaza, is part of the mullahs’ regime to export the crisis to outside Iran and to victimize the Iraqi Kurd Peshmarga, and its final goal is to maintain Syrian bloodthirsty dictator in power.

 According to received reports from within the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the clerical regime intends to pave the way for taking guards and arms to Syria by putting pressure on Kurdistan territory.
The Iranian resistance also strongly supports the statement of 14 Iraqi Kurd parties and groups who represent the will of the people of Iraqi Kurdistan.
The United Nations Security Council must immediately make the Iraqi government understand the red line of incursion and suppression of Iraqi Kurds, and not allow the Maliki government to pass this red line on the order of the Iranian regime.
The Iranian people and resistance find themselves on the side of the people of Kurdistan and their representatives against the conspiracies of the mullahs’ regime and its puppets.
Fourteen groups and parties in Iraqi Kurdistan, including Kurdish Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, in a joint statement condemned the creation of “Dijla Operations Command” by the Baghdad government and its attempts including concentration of forces in disputed areas in Kirkuk and called it a violation of the Iraqi constitution. These 14 groups condemned “Maliki’s policies and his positions within the past two years” and “any action of the Iraqi government against the interests of Kurdistan region and its people”, and called for the abolition of “Dijla Operations Command”.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran – Paris
November 19, 2012

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