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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismThe Iranian Resistance condemns Baquba bombings

The Iranian Resistance condemns Baquba bombings

 NCRI – The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the criminal bombings in the Iraqi city of Baquba on Wednesday, March 3, which led to the killing and wounding of dozens of people. The Iranian Resistance also expresses sympathy with families of the victims and wishes swift recovery for the wounded.

On March 2, Mr. Mohammad Shahvani, former Intelligence Minister of Iraq, who resigned in protest to the Nouri al-Maliki government following the deadly explosions on September 2, 2009, said in an interview with al-Sharqiya TV, “There were some individuals that in collaboration with the Qods Force of the Iranian regime were involved in Baghdad’s deadly explosions. I was the head of Iraq’s intelligence services at the time. I received information prior to the bombings that indicated there will be large explosions in these areas within the next 4 or 5 days. We communicated this intelligence to the government. But, the government did not take any steps and the explosions did indeed take place. … All of our information went to the Command Center of Baghdad Forces, which is an organ reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. … There are scores of Iranian agents in Iraq planted everywhere. They are in the Parliament, in the government, and in the security organs. They are everywhere. Iranian agents are on the streets and in religious centers. They have established a presence everywhere.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said in a statement on December 8, 2009, “According to reliable information and documents obtained from inside the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the terrorist Qods Force, the Iranian regime is the main culprit of the bombings in Iraq. However, some Iraqi officials are trying to cover up the Iranian regime’s role and divert attention away from the main source of terrorism and insecurity.”

A few months prior to that, on August 19, 2009, the NCRI Secretariat released a statement about another round of bombings in Baghdad, saying, “A thorough investigation about the methods employed and the locations of production of explosives and arms which were used today in Baghdad will uncover even more truths about the Iranian regime’s role. It is astonishing that senior Iraqi officials have never at any point uttered a single word about the terrorist Qods Force or the Iranian regime’s unbridled crimes, meddling and terrorism in Iraq or its smuggling of vast quantities of explosives, ammunitions and arms into the country.”

The sole beneficiary of such blind killings and violence, especially on the brink of elections in Iraq, is the religious dictatorship ruling Iran. It is doing its utmost to meddle in the upcoming elections and impose the Iranian model of elections on Iraq. The ruling clerics plan to pull their own proxies out of the ballot box by committing widespread fraud. Iraq will never see the face of security and stability as long as the Iranian regime’s agents and proxies wield control over its security, administrative and government institutions. 5.2 million Iraqis in June 2006 as well as three million Iraqi Shiites in June 2008 declared that the only solution is to expel the Iranian regime from Iraq.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 4, 2010