The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader ordered British sailors’ abduction

If policy of appeasing the mullahs continues, Europe’s security will be at stake

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance reiterated that abducting British sailors is part of a policy adopted by the religious fascism ruling Iran. Imposition of comprehensive sanctions would be the only effective policy.

NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mohammad Mohaddessin said that abducting British sailors was planed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) with approval of the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. He mentioned that taking British sailors hostage is a sign of international terrorism.

He added that the policy of appeasement in the past two decades emboldened this regime in exporting terrorism and fundamentalism. The clerical regime has for many years turned hostage-taking and blackmail a lucrative business and an instrument of its foreign policy. The lack of a firm response has made this tactic quite profitable for the mullahs.

Mr. Mohaddessin called on the EU foreign ministers to entirely set aside the appeasement policy. Otherwise, the mullahs will further threaten Europe’s security. The only effective policy with regards to a regime threatening peace in the region and the world is firmness. Ending political concessions and economic assistance to and imposing comprehensive sanctions on the regime as well as removing the obstacles and restrictions against the Iranian opposition, especially the unlawful terrorist label against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), would be the two pillars of such a policy.

In the past three months, the British government has insisted on maintaining the PMOI in the terrorist list contrary to the ruling of the Court of First Instance, which annulled the terror tag. By doing so, it has assured the mullahs that violating the UN Security Council resolution and continuing enrichment will not run into serious adversity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 31, 2007

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