The Iranian regime threatens Saudis with more terrorism



NCRI – Fearing the consequences of the terror plot in the US, the Iranian regime supreme leader Khamanei has ordered the Iranian regime and its Intelligence Ministry and the Revolutionary Guard Corp to take two-sided and ambiguous positions. In one, they ludicrously and miserably attempt to somehow connect the arrested terrorist with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). In the other one, they continue to threaten the Saudi government with more terrorism, hoping that it would stop pursuing the case.

On October 16,  Hossein Taeb, a very close aid to Khamenei and in charge of the plain-cloth repressive unit known as Ammar, publically stated: “ should we need to terrorize, we have the capability to terror King Abdullah himself.”


On October 15, website, also very close to Khamenei, wrote: “If we were to realize the Iranian people’s anger and revenge at the Saudis, we would wipe out the dirty Saudi name from the al-Hejaz holy land overnight … The Saudi foreign minister must know that, if there were two states that the Iranian people hated most, one would have to be the Saudis … As Imam [Khomeini] declared, we may forgive America, we may forgive Saddam, but we will never forgive the Saudis, … The Iranian people have a very deep hatred of the Saudi family because of its massacre of the Iranian pilgrims in 1987 and will want a revenge.”

These blackmailing threats once again prove that the Iranian regime will continue its rogue behavior as long as the international community and the UN Security Council and especially the Western countries do not take decisive measures against it. The Iranian resistance once again calls for decisive and implementable measures to confront the religious-terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 18, 2011

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