The Iranian Regime Embassy’s Press Release, a Fearful Reaction To the International Consequences of the Exposure of Its Terrorist Activities

Assadollah Assadi, the diplomat terrorist from Iran’s embassy in Vienna

Following the recent revelations about the clerical regime’s terrorist plot against the Iranian Resistance in Paris in June 2018, and Assadollah Assadi, the regime’s diplomat-terrorist threatening Belgian authorities with terrorism, as reported by Reuters and other leading European media outlets, including Le Monde of France, De Standaard, Le Soir and De Morgen of Belgium, as well as the Corriere Della Sera of Italy, the Iranian regime embassy fearfully claimed that Assadi had “posed no threat to Belgium” and that “Any hint at reprisal made by the media is patently absurd…and is aimed at torpedoing Iran-Europe relations.”

According to a Reuters report on October 9, 2020, Assadi, in a meeting with Belgian police officials on March 12, 2020, said,”(Belgium) do not realize what is going to happen, in the event of an unfavorable verdict. (And that) “his case was being closely watched by undisclosed groups in Iran and neighboring countries… Assadi told police that armed groups in Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and Syria, as well as in Iran, were interested in the outcome of his case and would be ‘watching from the sidelines to see if Belgium would support them or not.'” Reuters report was based on the minutes of the 31-minute meeting between Assadi and Belgian police, seen by Reuters and confirmed as authentic by his lawyer.

Le Monde, in its October 10 issue, quoted a Belgian security official on February 20, 2020, that the attack (on the Iranian Resistance gathering) was planned and led by the Iranian regime. This was not Assadi’s initiative.”

The Belgian Flemish newspaper De Morgen quoting De Standaard newspaper reported on October 12, “A note from the State Security Council indicates that the attack was planned and carried out by the Iranian regime and was not an action on a personal capacity. Besides, Assadi is known as an undercover agent of the Iranian intelligence service.”

Corriere Della Sera wrote in Italy on October 12 that there was enough evidence that “Brussels does not consider this initiative as an individual act and directly accuses Tehran.”

The Iranian regime embassy’s press release writes, “The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg follows with concern the unfounded reports concerning the Iranian diplomat illegally incarcerated in Antwerp. “In other words, the regime’s embassy is objecting to the arrest of a “diplomat” and is virtually accepting Assadi’s role in Villepint’s terrorist plot. However, the documents and pieces of evidence leave no doubt about Assadi’s undeniable role as the commander of the criminal operation.

As the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly pointed out, the embassies and representations of the clerical regime are centers of espionage, planning, and commanding terrorist operations. Closing down the representative offices of this regime and prosecuting and expelling its mercenaries and agents is critical to safeguard these countries’ security, particularly for the Iranian refugees and dissidents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
October 14, 2020

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