Terrorist Attack on Coptic Christians in Egypt Is a Crime Against Humanity and in Conflict With the Teachings of Islam


The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns terrorist attack on a bus carrying Coptic Christians in Egypt on the eve of Ramadan, the month of friendship and brotherhood between all human beings, expresses its sympathy with the victims’ families and wishes a quick recovery for the injured.

Criminals who slaughter innocent people, especially children, in the name of Islam, are the worst enemies of God and humanity and Islam. These crimes against humanity have nothing to do with Islam, but are in contrast to the teachings of this great religion.

Violent attack on Copts in Egypt, only a few days after American-Islamic-Arab conference in Riyadh that stressed on Iran’s role in terrorism, only benefits the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Mohsen Rezaei, former commander in chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Secretary of the regime’s Expediency Council, described the terrorist attack in Manchester as a result of the visit to Saudi Arabia by Trump that revealed the role of the regime in these crimes.

National Council of Resistance of Iran – Foreign Affairs Committee
May 26, 2017

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