Senior Quds Force Officer Killed in Mosul Emphasizes IRGC Blacklisting


IRGC acknowledging presence in Sumalia, Nigeria and Afghanistan
The death of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Brigadier General Shaban Nasiri, advisor to IRGC Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani in Mosul, once again highlights the Iranian regime’s destructive role and warmongering in Iraq.

Shaban Nasiri, killed on May 26th in western Mosul according to the media, was a senior IRGC officers who began his services to the mullahs’ regime from the early days of the IRGC’s establishment, targeting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran.

Nasiri also participated in the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s and quickly climbed up the ranks. He is one of the IRGC founders in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran; a senior IRGC Ground Forces commander in the top secret Fort Nosrat during the Iran-Iraq War; chief of staff of the terrorist Badr Corps; and in charge of the Quds Force training and organizational structure. Following the Iran-Iraq War he also played an active role in quelling the locals of Sistan & Baluchistan Province, southeast Iran.

Nasiri “was present in Syria, Iraq, Sumalia, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Lebanon,” according to the IRGC-affiliated Fars news agency on May 28.

“From four or five years ago Nasiri was in Sumalia for two or three years. He was in Syria and Iraq for around two years. Of course, he was stationed in Iraq more often,” the wire report added.

As the Iranian Resistance has warned time and again, the IRGC’s presence in Iraq under the pretext of the war against ISIS is the main threat facing peace and tranquility and plunges the region into a long and bloody war. The IRGC’s widespread presence in Iraq’s military, security, political and economic apparatus, and igniting the sectarian wars in this country signals the mullahs’ covert occupation in this country.

The IRGC acknowledging their senior-level presence in Sumalia and Nigeria sheds light on Iran’s scope of meddling in Iraq, redoubles the necessity to designate the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization and expelling them from Islamic and Arabic countries. This is a necessity to establish peace and tranquility in the region.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 1, 2017

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