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Senior Iranian regime officials reiterate support for Syrian dictator

NCRI – While Wednesday’s chemical attack and mass murder of the Syrian people has outraged the international community, the Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister Mohammad defends Assad and blames the opposition for the chemical attack.

Hassan Rouhani’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad-javad Zarif said: “If use of chemical weapons is indeed true, undoubtedly it has been used by terrorist and Takfiri groups since their interests lie in escalating and internationalizing the Syrian crisis.” (ISNA state news agency – August 21)

Meanwhile, IRGC Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, Ali Khamenei’s military advisor and former Commander of IRGC, said that in order to “keep peace and security and return stability to Syria”, over 50,000 paramilitary forces have been amassed and organized in that country in support of Bashar al-Assad (State-run Mehr news agency – August 21).

The criminal forces fighting for Bashar al-Assad have been organized under supervision of Ghassem Suleimani and its terrorist Qods Force.

A day prior to the chemical attack, Reza Taghavi, head of the policy council for regime’s Friday prayer leaders, had stated: “Today, it is [Khamenei] who leads southern Lebanon, has made proud Gaza with his leadership, and has made Syria resistant in confronting Takfiris… people of Egypt have no Vali-e faqih and leader and hence these massacres are happening in their country.”

Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance condemned the massacre of innocent people of Damascus and called for urgent action by the international community.

She said: “It is the religious fascism ruling Iran that through dispatching of herds of revolutionary guards, all types of weapons, and spending dozens of billions of dollars of the wealth of the deprived Iranian people, is keeping the criminal regime in Syria in power.”

Ahmed al-Jerba, leader of Syrian opposition coalition, told al-Hayat daily on August 18: “The real rulers of Syria are commanders of the revolutionary guards. Revolutionary guards are fighting us in the streets of Damascus and Ghassem Suleimani commands the military operations. Iraqi militias are dispatched to fight in Syria by Iran’s orders. Assad’s army has been defeated. Today, we are facing an army commanded by the Iranian regime that has imposed on us an all out war with advanced weapons.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 22, 2013