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Rouhani’s demagoguery in defending the dispatch of forces and export of terrorism to the region


Hassan Rouhani, President of the Iranian regime, speaking on the occasion of Army Day, acknowledged the presence of the regime’s armed forces in Iraq and Syria and their pivotal role in keeping Bashar al-Assad in power. He said that the Iranian regime “has defended and persevered from the gates of Baghdad to the sacred shrines and holy places. The day that Damascus was threatened, they were our fighters that through dispatch of advisors defended the capital of that country and the sacred shrines.”

“Defending the sacred shrines” is a pseudonym for the dispatch of large groups of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and paramilitary forces for the massacre of Syrian people in the past five years, as well as the expansion of the regime’s influence and power in Iraq. Aleppo, which the Iranian regime has an all-out campaign to occupy in recent days, or Iraq’s Diyala Province, where the regime and its mercenaries have staged atrocious ethnic cleansing, are both hundreds of kilometers away from Shiite religious centers.

The president of a regime that is the main cause of the slaughter of 500,000 innocent Syrian people and the homelessness of half of Syria’s population, in the regime’s standard demagogic manner said: the objective of our military power “is peace and security rather than aggression or attacking the oppressed and the children. These armed forces are always endeavoring to defend the oppressed.”

These statements by Rouhani come only two days after the Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit which strongly condemned the regime’s support for terrorism and its meddling in the internal affairs of Islamic nations. He brazenly said: “None of the nations in the region are worried about the presence of the army or other armed forces on the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

While in just the past few weeks several boats carrying weapons from the Iranian regime to its mercenaries in Yemen have been seized, Rouhani said: The objective for the presence of the regime in international waters “is to provide security to the countries with seashores and shipping and security of naval lines.”

The highest ranking Iranian regime officials, including its supreme leader Khamenei, have repeatedly stipulated that keeping Assad in power is vital to the regime; such that Khamenei stated in February that “if defenders of the shrines did not fight, we then would have had to fight in Kermanshah and Hamadan.”

According to reports obtained by the Iranian Resistance from inside the country, right now there are over 60,000 Revolutionary Guards and the mullahs’ paramilitary mercenaries who are involved in the slaughter of the Syrian people. Following the repeated defeats of the IRGC and the death of many IRGC commanders in Syria, Khamenei has dispatched the regime’s regular army to Syria as well. This is the first time since the 1988 ceasefire in the Iran-Iraq war that the Iranian regime’s army has entered into a foreign war that is a thousand kilometers away from Iran’s borders.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 19, 2016