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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismRouhani, his ministers and the mullahs' Parliament stress on repression, export of...

Rouhani, his ministers and the mullahs’ Parliament stress on repression, export of terrorism, and aggressive meddling


NCRI – During confirmation hearing for Mahmoud Alavi, Minister of Intelligence of Rouhani’s cabinet, the regime officials acknowledged the role of the Intelligence in export of terrorism and warmongering meddling in Syria and Iraq.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chairman of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy of the clerical parliament acknowledged the criminal meddling of the clerical regime in the region and said that what happened in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and the entire region “indicates that the Islamic Republic of Iran singly can challenge all the great powers of the world.”.

Aziz Akbarian, a member of parliament from the Khamenei faction, said: “As someone who has been in the Revolutionary Guards for 27 years, I say we must conquer our enemies abroad, which the Ministry of Intelligence has managed to do this with the cooperation of the IRGC.”

Ali Mottaharri, the Vice President of the Parliament, on the expansion of the IRGC Intelligence and lack of any oversight on its operations said: “The sphere of the work of the IRGC Intelligence has expanded and has reached to the issues of media, journalists, or universities, students, and student publications… and has given human rights excuses to the enemies.” He described the protest against human rights violations in Iran as “a political and security problem in the country”, which has inflicted harms to the regime in the past few years (regime television, August 16, 2017).

The hangman Alavi with a sickening appeasement to Khamenei said: “We are following the authority that is entrusted to us by the great Supreme Leader (Velayat-e-Faqih), we respect that, we are committed to that, and for the reduction of our powers in this path, we do not make any reaction. If the Supreme Leader gives all the authority of the Ministry of Intelligence to other institutions, we will accept that and respectfully comply with it. We respect the institutions that enjoy such powers … Today’s interaction between the Ministry of Intelligence and intelligence agencies, including the IRGC, is good. “

In the introduction of Ministers, Rouhani praised henchman Avaei, his suggested Minister of Justice and the former Minister of Justice, both of whom members of the “Death Committees” in the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, and described them as human rights defenders and moderates. Rouhani said with Pourmohammadi, “we had friendship before the government, and everywhere he was present, he was a servant. In the Ministry of Justice, he performed his duties well. He played his part in the field of human rights, citizens’ rights and combating corruption in this government … ” About executioner Avaei, he said: “He is a moderate. Every time Avaei said something, it was reassuring to us, because we believed in the spirit of his moderation “(Regime’s TV – August 13, 2017).

Following widespread revelation about Pourmohammadi as one the cruelest executioners of 1988 massacre in domestic and international scene, Rouhani inevitably replaced him with Alireza Avaei, member of the “Death Committee” in Khouzestan province (Statement of NCRI – August 8, 2017)

According to witnesses, on the order of Avaei, young and under 18 years old prisoners were being executed in groups of two or three in the a barren backyard section of UNESCO Dezful prison. This henchman was placed on the EU sanctions list in October 2011.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 17, 2017