Repeated violations of Security Council Resolution 2231 with launching missiles and export of weapons to Syria upon Khamenei’s order


Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, Khamenei’s top advisor who was the regime’s chief of staff until this summer, said, “His excellency (Khamenei) approved launching missile ‘Emad’. No rockets are fired in this country unless having been approved by the Commander in Chief. Even for launching missiles in military drills, permission from the leader of revolution (Khamenei) is needed… he even determines the launching time and decides when it should be fired.” (Tasnim, the Quds Force news agency- November 12)

Missile ‘Emad’ that was launched on 11 October 2015 is capable of carrying nuclear warhead, and its launching is a blatant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 ratified on 20 July 2015. The resolution asks Iran “not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology

The mullahs’ regime launched a ballistic missile called ‘Ghadr’ in Chah-Bahar area on 21 November 2015, and another missile called ‘Ghadr-F’ with a range of 2000 km and another missile called ‘Ghadr-H’ with a range of 1700 km on 8 March 2016. ‘Emad’ and ‘Ghadr’ missiles are from the ‘Shahab-3’ missile family and are copied from North Korean ‘Nodong 1’ missile , and are capable of carrying nuclear warhead.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency report in November 2011 the regime’s military-nuclear activities were carried out with the aim of mounting nuclear warhead on Shahab-3 missile.
Thus, the mullahs’ regime has violated this resolution four times during the 16 months since its adoption, and the regime’s top military officials have admitted that these missiles were launched upon Khamenei’s direct orders who also specified the firing time.

Moreover, by sending missiles to Syria and making missile-production factory in that country, the regime has continuously violated the resolution. Major General Mohammad Bagheri, chief of armed forces general staff, said on November 11, “Syria reached a point where Iran created for it missile production industry and missiles in Aleppo in recent years.” Four days later, Brigadier Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force, announced that the IRGC missile production factories in Aleppo had been entirely destroyed in the course of the war.

By its warmongering and crisis making, the mullahs’ anti-human regime has endangered peace and tranquility in the region and the world; inaction and silence of the international society emboldens the regime in this policy.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 17, 2016

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