Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Foruzandeh, a commander of Qods Force, Tehran’s terrorist arm

NCRI - The Revolutionary Guards Brigadier General Ahmed Foruzandeh, Deputy Commander of Ramadan Garrison of Qods Force, who has been blacklisted for threatening...

Iran: Mykonos Restaurant murder mastermind given official welcome by regime

Diplomatic sanctions must be imposed on mullahs' regime NCRI - Ali Baqeri, the mullahs' deputy foreign minister for Europe and America, enthusiastically welcomed Kazem...

Freeing Kazem Darabi is an award to terrorists

NCRI - Germany's consideration to release a convicted terrorist sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1992 murder of four Kurdish dissidents has provoked great...

Maryam Rajavi calls for immediate measures to stop mullahs bombing Iraqi Kurdistan

NCRI - Despite international condemnations of the mullahs' regime for shelling people of Iraqi Kurdistan, the brutal attacks continue. President-elect of the Iranian Resistance,...
Mullahs ordered Dr. Ayad Allawi's supporters arrested

Mullahs ordered Dr. Ayad Allawi’s supporters arrested

NCRI - Mullahs' regime ordered its agents to arrest and prosecute, if necessary, the supporters of former Iraqi prime minister. The Iranian regime's Supreme...

Iran-Iraq: Wanted terrorist, Brig. Gen. Sahrarodi in Sharm Al-Sheikh Conference

NCRI - The mullahs' regime has dispatched Brig. Gen. Mohammad Sahrarodi, a deputy to the Supreme National Security Council Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani on...
The Iranian regime's Supreme Leader ordered British sailors' abduction

The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader ordered British sailors’ abduction

If policy of appeasing the mullahs continues, Europe's security will be at stakeNCRI - The Iranian Resistance reiterated that abducting British sailors is...

Mullahs churn out lies to blame bombings in Sistan and Baluchestan Province to PMOI

NCRI - Last night and today, the clerical regime news agencies, radio and television and the print media claimed in an absolutely false...

Clerical regime’s new conspiracy against the People’s Mojahedin

NCRI - In retaliation for revelation of list of 32,000 Iraqi agents on the Iranian regime's payroll, Supreme Leader Khamenei  summoned Abdul-Aziz Al-Hakim and...
Iranian Resistance warns against possible release of a Mykonos murderer

Iranian Resistance warns against possible release of a Mykonos murderer

NCRI - The mullahs' regime wants to swap Kazem Darabi, one of the masterminds of the Mykonos restaurant murders in return for Donald...