Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Iranian Resistance condemns Baquba bombings

NCRI - The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the criminal bombings in the Iraqi city of Baquba on Wednesday, March 3, which led to the...

Maryam Rajavi calls for denunciation of IRGC infiltration into Iraqi Kurdistan

NCRI - Yesterday, subsequent to the multiple failures of the clerical regime and its Iraqi proxies in their attempts to change the results of...

IRAN: IRGC plans to reach Mediterranean coast by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage

Revolutionary Guards are main cause of war and terror in region The clerical regime has expanded its war mongering and criminal interventions in Syria...

Iran regime’s new disinformation campaign against the PMOI

The clerical regime's terrorist Qods Force claims four PMOI members arrested in Iraqi city of Karbala NCRI - The false claims disseminated by an agent...

Covert Anti-terror Operation To Prevent Two Iranian Agents From Entering Albania

On Monday, August 1, 2022, Top Channel TV in Albania announced the expulsion of two Iranian agents from Albania after 72 hours of holding...

The Reluctant Confession of IRGC’s Aerospace Force Commander, Continuation of the Regime’s Lies and...

Earlier this morning, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Force, (one of the five IRGC branches), reluctantly admitted the downing of the Ukrainian airliner by the IRGC.   "When I...
The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism

Uncovering Another Terrorist Plot of the Iranian Regime’s MOIS Against the MEK in Germany...

On the eve of the trial of the bomber-diplomat of the Iranian theocratic regime and three of his accomplices in Belgium, another Iranian regime...

Khamenei acknowledges velayat-e faqih’s loss of clout, fear of regional uprisings, attempts to export...

NCRI - The remarks of the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in his meeting on Thursday, September 8, with members of the mullahs’ Assembly...

Zarif praising a criminal leader of Hezbollah and laying flowers on his grave on...

Javad Zarif, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the clerical regime, whom some western circles present as moderate, in a letter to Hassan Nasrallah in...

Iranian regime prepares forces to wage sectarian war in Iraq in case of nationalists...

On the eve of Iraqi elections, mullahs’ regime assigns groups affiliated with Qods Force for assassination of Iraqi nationalist leaders and prepares forces to...