Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Warmongering and Export of Terrorism Vital to Survival of Their Religious Dictatorship, Iran Regime...

Engulfed by growing international and domestic crises, and unable to confront the growing waves of public hatred and disgust from the medieval regime of...

Iran: Rajavi welcomes arrest warrant for Rafsanjani, seven other Tehran regime officials

NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance's President-elect, welcomed the international arrest warrant by Argentina's Federal Judge for Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani...
The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism

Iranian Regime Intelligence Ministry’s Agent Arrested in Albania

Albanian police and media reported the arrest of an agent of the Iranian regime's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), with initials B.P. A...

Iran: Khamenei’s plot to occupy Mecca via Yemeni mercenaries

In his speech aired on state-run TV Ofogh, Mullah Mehdi Ta'eb, a clergy close to Khmenei, unveiled the Iranian regime's plots in the region...

Senior Iranian officials admit to Hamedani’s role in domestic crackdown, massacre of Syrian people

IRGC chief: Without Hamedani the 2009 uprising would have been difficult, Damascus would have fallen and the regime’s fate would be left unknown During...

Massacre of defenseless prisoners in Qezelhessar Prison

Iranian Resistance urges dispatch of a UN investigative delegation to probe this massacre and the catastrophic conditions in Iranian regime's prisons NCRI - The...
Revealing Books on Iran Regime's Revolutionary Guards and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Revealing Books on Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Following the designation of the Iranian Regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the United States Government, the...
Mullahs ordered Dr. Ayad Allawi's supporters arrested

Mullahs ordered Dr. Ayad Allawi’s supporters arrested

NCRI - Mullahs' regime ordered its agents to arrest and prosecute, if necessary, the supporters of former Iraqi prime minister. The Iranian regime's Supreme...

Khamenei insists on export of terrorism and fundamentalism to cloak his retreat from nuclear...

NCRI - Four days after reaching a nuclear deal with the P5+1 countries, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei who was speaking at...
Lion and Sun official symbol of the NCRI

The mullahs’ ridiculous theatrics blaming the PMOI for the bombings during Ashoura

NCRI - Resorting to a ridiculous deceit through pre-planned theatrics, the inhuman mullahs’ regime has blamed “mercenaries and Monafeqs ” and “extremist groups” for...