Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iranian Resistance Strongly Condemns IRGC’s Occupation in Kirkuk, Calls for Urgent Action by UN...

The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ (IRGC) aggression and occupation and the mullahs’ regime affiliated criminal militias in Kirkuk. This...

Rouhani Praises the Revolutionary Guards, as He Fears the End of Appeasement Era

Hassan Rouhani, the president of the clerical regime, praised the Revolutionary Guards, the main source of suppression and plunder inside Iran, and export of...

IRAN: IRGC plans to reach Mediterranean coast by capturing Iraqi-Syria ground passage

Revolutionary Guards are main cause of war and terror in region The clerical regime has expanded its war mongering and criminal interventions in Syria...

Confession of the Iran Regime to Export of Terrorism and Extremism to the Middle...

The widespread export of terrorism to the Middle East and Africa was once again acknowledged by Mullah Kazem Sediqi the Friday prayer leader on...

Maintaining Bashar Al-Assad Is the Red Line for Iran Regime

As long as the Revolutionary Guards and militias are present in Syria, the crisis continues Senior mullah Ali Saeedi, Khamenei’s representative in the Revolutionary...

IRAN: Khamenei’s Representative Claims Iraq, Levant and Mediterranean Fall Within Regime’s Borders

Senior Iranian official’s remarks makes it ever more necessary to evict IRGC & proxies from region Once again, a senior cleric in the Iranian...

Iranian Resistance Strongly Condemns Barcelona Terrorist Attack

The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns Thursday’s brutal attack in Barcelona that killed 13 and wounded dozens of innocent and defenseless people. The Iranian Resistance...

Rouhani, his ministers and the mullahs’ Parliament stress on repression, export of terrorism, and...

NCRI - During confirmation hearing for Mahmoud Alavi, Minister of Intelligence of Rouhani’s cabinet, the regime officials acknowledged the role of the Intelligence in...

Call to Prevent Iran Regime’s Terrorism/Fundamentalism Institutions’ Freedom of Action in Germany

The Iranian Resistance condemns a three-day event planned for the end of July, hosted primarily by two institutions established by the Iranian regime for...

Welcoming Sanctions Imposed on Entities and Individuals Affiliated With the Clerical Regime 

Call for designating the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist entity and expelling it from the region The Iranian resistance welcomes the designation of 18...