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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismMullahs ordered Dr. Ayad Allawi's supporters arrested

Mullahs ordered Dr. Ayad Allawi’s supporters arrested

Mullahs ordered Dr. Ayad Allawi's supporters arrested NCRI – Mullahs’ regime ordered its agents to arrest and prosecute, if necessary, the supporters of former Iraqi prime minister. The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei described Allawi’s possible re-election as the Iraqi primer a “red line” not to be crossed at all costs.

On July 21, the state-run media outlets in Iran fabricated news by French news agency as saying, “Three individuals close to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) were arrested with documents related to Iraqi religious and political figures in the holy city of Karbala.”

“Based on the report, the Iraqi government accused the Monafeqin grouplet (a term used by the Iranian regime to describe the PMOI members) of interfering with its internal affairs and asked them to leave its territory for Iran or any other destination,” the state-run news agency Mehr reported.

Subsequently, the PMOI called the report a fabrication and in its July 22, 2007, statement replied, “The ruling religious fascism is trying to frighten the Iraqi democratic and national figures by blackmail and lies.”

Later it was revealed that a number of jurists and lawyers including Messrs Heisam Al-Masoudi and Aaref Al-Masoudi, both members of National Accordance Front, Dr. Allawi’s party, were arrested in Karbala. They were threatened with 15 years of imprisonment.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the Multi-National Force-Iraq and all international human rights organizations to the regime’s plots against the PMOI and Iraqi democratic parties and personalities.        

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 27, 2007