Mullahs churn out lies to blame bombings in Sistan and Baluchestan Province to PMOI

NCRI – Last night and today, the clerical regime news agencies, radio and television and the print media claimed in an absolutely false report, dictated by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), that “minutes before the terrorist operation in Zahedan in which a bomb went off in the city’s girl school, Abdul-Malik Reiggi, the ringleader of Jundollah terrorist grouplet, while appearing in a live program aired on the People’ Mojahedin television network, affirmed perpetrating the terrorist operation in the city of Zahedan.”

The mullah’s propaganda machine also attempted in a series fabricated reports and interviews to falsely link the Mojahedin to the recent explosions in Sistan and Baluchestan Province. For instance, in a deceptive and transparent ploy, the state controlled media were ordered by the MOIS to broadcast remarks by an individual who the regime claimed to be among those detained recently and responsible for the bombing. He said, “The people who were training us a neighboring country were speaking English and their translators were speaking Farsi and probably members of the Monafeqin (Mojahedin) grouplet.”

In resorting to these ridiculous and completely false fairy tales and repeatedly broadcasting them by all state propaganda agencies as well as relaying them trough foreign media, the clerical regime is trying to kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it is trying to attribute the source of discontent and unrest inside Iran to foreign countries and agents. On the other hand, by fabricating the most absurd lies, it is trying to blame the Mojahedin for the bombings in Sistan and Baluchestan Province.

One of these lies is the claim of participation of “the ringleader of Jundollah terrorist grouplet in a PMOI live television broadcast.” Millions of Iranians in and out of Iran who watch the PMOI and Resistance’s news outlets could attest to false nature of this claim.  The mullahs’ leaders should announce the frequency of the bogus television program, which they claim is affiliated to the PMOI, and broadcast the tap. 

The mullahs’ terrorist dictatorship is engulfed in incurable internal and external crises. It is been dealt blows in the effective revelations of the Resistance regarding its secret nuclear projects and meddling in Iraq. Through these desperate schemes, the regime is trying to step up suppression, torture and execution, particularly of Mojahedin prisoners, inside Iran.

Through this misinformation campaign, the regime is also trying to enlist the support of foreign governments in its fight against the Mojahedin and the Iranian Resistance. However, as its officials have acknowledged, more than 94 percent of the Iranian people are demanding the overthrow of this regime. These ploys, therefore, cannot save the mullahs from the wrath and hatred of the people in Iran. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 17, 2007

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