Mrs. Rajavi condemned mullahs’ warmongering, coup d’état in Lebanon

Mrs. Rajavi condemned mullahs’ warmongering, coup d’état in Lebanon and called on the UN Security Council to take preventive measures
She also warned against plots to assassinate Mr. Walid Jumbllat

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, once again condemned the warmongering and the attempt to stage a coup d’état by the religious fascism ruling Iran and its agents in Lebanon particularly in Beirut and Jabal. She called on the UN Security Council to condemn these actions and adopt appropriate binding measures to stop them.

Mrs. Rajavi called on Arab and Islamic countries to stand firm against the anti-Islamic and inhuman regime ruling Iran whose declared objective is to dominate the Middle East region as well as Arab and Muslim countries. She added that the policy of appeasement in the past two decades has emboldened the Iranian regime to advance its expansionist goals.

The President-elect of the Resistance warned of the regime’s terrorist schemes and sinister plans against the life of Mr. Walid Jumbllat, leader of the Lebanese Progressive Socialist Party. She said that with his firm and decisive positions against the regime’s meddling and crimes in Lebanon Mr. Jumbllat, has enraged the criminal mullahs’ ruling Iran.

Mrs. Rajavi added that the export of terrorism and fundamentalism was part of the mullahs’ strategy to preserve the religious dictatorship as it would crumble from within if it were to abandon it. Peace in the Middle East, as democracy in Iraq, is noose for the regime. The regime’s leaders have explicitly referred to Lebanon and Palestine as representing the "depth of their strategy." Right from the beginning of the Iranian Revolution, Khomeini planned to simultaneously dominate Lebanon and Iraq. The Lebanese Hezbollah and the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq were established precisely to achieve this end.

By organizing terrorist training camps in various places in Iran, regularly dispatching arms and allocating billions of dollars to Lebanon, the clerical regime is trying to expand its influence in that country. This is what the majority of Lebanese people, including Christians, Sunnis, Shiites and Druze strongly resent.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 13, 2008

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