Lebanese Cleric Reveals True Face as an IRGC Quds Force Agent


Mohamed Ali Hosseini Moddati, a Lebanese cleric, has recently reinitiated his activities as an agent of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the Lebanese Hezbollah.

Following the massive Iranian opposition gathering in Paris that has literally shook the very pillars of the mullahs regime in Iran, the MOIS has resorted to unveiling the true nature of this cleric. On July 7th he was taken to Paris alongside other known Iranian regime agents such as Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nezhad, Mohammad Karami, Issa Azade, Batoul Soltani, Reza Jebeli, Davoud Baghervand, Zahra Moini, Ali Akbar Rastgu, Mohammad Hossein Sobahani, Mehdi Khoshhal and Mohammad Razzaqi. They were briefed in the basement of an MOIS-affiliated restaurant (named “Tehran”) in Paris’ 15th district. A number of these agents, whose documents and past services to the Iranian regime have already been publicized, have criminal cases in various countries.

Hossein-Nezhad was used around Camp Ashraf to gather intelligence prior to the 1 September 2013 massacre. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) unveiled details and images of him at that time. In July 2015 he went to Auver-Sur-Oise (north of Paris) with another Iranian regime agent to gather intelligence about the NCRI central headquarters. However, he was arrested by French police and admitted to receiving money from an MOIS agent by the name of Ahmad Zarif associated to Iran’s embassy in Paris, to carry out a variety of missions.

Mohammad Hossein Sobhani is the same agent arrested in Paris back in June 2007 for stabbing Iranian refugees.

Reza Jebeli received a passport from the MOIS in March 2008 to take part in crimes against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). He relocated from Iran to Ashraf and was arrested by Iraqi police. Years in Canada later he was condemned for kidnapping.

In a visit arranged by Ahmad Zarif, Hosseini left Beirut for Paris on July 5. His plane ticket and hotel reservations in Paris were provided by Ahmad Zarif and paid for by Hossein-Nezhad. This Lebanese cleric was received by Hossein-Nezhad and another Iranian regime agent at the airport, and transferred to the St. Honore Hotel.

Arab officials and political figures have said Hosseini, who mysteriously lives in the Hezbollah stronghold of southern Beirut, attempts to portray himself as related to Arab governments in order to disguise his true nature.

Hosseini had spent a decade in Qom, central Iran and has been a Hezbollah member. After leaving Iran and taking positions against Hezbollah, he declared solidarity with the PMOI/MEK and became committed to “stand against terrorism and religious dictatorship, symbolized in the mullahs’ regime of Iran”. He went on to stipulate “any relations with this regime and its agents is a grave crime.” (Document dated 28 August 2007 is attached).

This “red line” of treason was emphasized time and again with his own writing and signature, including on 29 September 2008, 23 October 2014 and 2 June 2015.

At his constant request for “financial aid and supporting the Bani Hashem district in Lebanon”, and to back Shiites against the Iranian regime and Hezbollah, during these years the PMOI/MEK, despite living under an inhumane siege and harsh conditions in camps Ashraf and Liberty, continuously provided him the aid. (Receipts are available and can be published.) Furthermore, when arrested in Lebanon and thrown to jail, the PMOI/MEK paid for all his legal and family expenses, and supported him completely. This cleric was finally released from prison in 2014, yet up to March 2017 continued to request financial aid from the PMOI/MEK (daily emails are available and can be published.)

Finally, Hosseini sent an email on 13 March 2017 to denounce his commitment of standing against the Iranian regime’s terrorism and religious dictatorship. He also began his daily activities aimed at extorting the PMOI/MEK, only to be completely neglected as the PMOI/MEK ended all relations with him.

This cleric then began sending numerous emails and tweets ridiculously accusing the PMOI/MEK of “robbing” him of his rights! In a repulsive act of blackmail, he demanded $30,000 in a week to stop his measures against the PMOI/MEK (Documents are available and can be published.)

Hosseini, in contact with other MOIS and Quds Force agents in Beirut, Doha and Paris, has time and again gone to Qatar to participate in sessions launched by these services and received money to deliver speeches. Last year he and his family were guests of these agencies at a Paris hotel for two weeks.

Another issue worth mentioning is related to the MOIS taking advantage of the case of the city of Ahvaz in southwest Iran. Less than two weeks prior to the Iranian opposition’s convention in Paris, based on MOIS orders Hosseini tweeted, “We asked Maryam Rajavi Farsi to recognize the al-Ahwaz Arabic State and Emirates Island. She refused.” Whereas this lying cleric has never had the courage to make such a statement, as it is only in the mullahs’ interests and a plot against the Iranian opposition and Arab Iranians. His own statement on January 24 is very evident.

At that time the PMOI conditioned any relations and financial support on him issuing a clear and vivid statement in this regard. In this text he emphasizes on “the necessity for the people of Ahvaz to declare solidarity and cooperation with all the Iranian people, and especially the NCRI” and “the importance of lacking any separating trend regarding the locals of Ahvaz.” He also calls on these people to “have the best cooperative relations with their brothers in the NCRI in their goal to free Iran from the mullahs’ rule” because the “the mullahs’ MOIS base their measures on the principle of ‘rule by creating divisions’ and aim to establish rifts amongst Iran’s united nation…” (Document is attached).

National Council of Resistance of Iran
Security and Anti-terrorism Committee
July 9, 2017

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