Khamenei’s order to maximize financial, arms and personnel aid to Bashar Assad and predicting a long war



According to reports from within the Iranian Revolutionary Guards:
1- The terrorist Quds Force is intensively training a group of Lebanese Hezbollah and Syrian Shiites who serve the Iranian regime in order to compensate to some extent for increasing defections in Assad’s army.

2- Defending some cities particularly Shiite areas was given to a suppressive force, “Jaish-al-Shaabi” (People’s army), which is organized by the Quds Force and is compromised of 5000 plainclothes similar to Iranian bassijis. The protection of some areas rests with the Lebanese Hezbollah forces.
3 – The salaries of “Jaish Al-Shaab” mercenaries and elements of Hezbollah are provided by Khamenei’s office. The money is transferred in cash to Syria by the IRGC and is given at the airport to Brigadier Syed Razi Mousavi, the Quds Force representative in the regime’s embassy. He would distribute the money among heads of the forces.
4 – Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Bashar Assad’s army send weapons, supplies and equipment helicopters to government forces in several cities besieged by the Syrian Free Army. These cities are located near Turkey and between the provinces of Aleppo, Homs and Damascus.
5 – Khamenei said in an internal meeting about the dangerous situation in Syria that Syria is a strategic frontline for the regime. Therefore, despite the difficulties and complexities of the situation, one should not be hopeless and must support Assad to the end, and he ordered the IRGC to prepare for a long war such as the one with Iraq. He has stated that “If it were not for the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hezbollah and security institutions, all Shiites in Syria would have been massacred and the Syrian government would have been overthrown a year ago.”
6 – Khamenei, anticipating closure of roads and airports, has ordered further military and financial assistance to the Syrian government.
7 – The Quds Force and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards provide logistical and personnel support via the airport and Lebanon roads to Syria.They predict should these two paths close and they are forced to leave Syria, regime forces and commanders would flee using helicopters.
8- After the failure of the regime’s conference in Tehran on November 18, in order to make some countries in line with the regime’s policies, Khamenei dispatched Ali Larijani, speaker of the Iran’s Parliament (Majlis) to Syria, Lebanon and Turkey, but it was futile and he came back empty handed. Khamenei intended to ride on Ghaza’s war and the innocent Palestinians’ lives, to shift the regional balance of power in his favour and reduce the detestation for the regime amongst Muslims and Arabs.
9 – The terrorist Quds Force has transferred over 20,000 Shiites from various provinces of Syria to Zeinabieh district and has created a Shiite district. This district now has a population of 25,000. Khomeini Relief Committee provides for these families’ livelihood. All houses of Sunnis in Zeinabieh have been confiscated and given to Shiites. All hotels are also run by Shiites.
10 – The protection of Zeinabieh is provided by 5000 armed forces trained by the Quds Force (Jaish Al-Shaab). The IRGC and Hezbollah commanders are present in this area and command the “Jaish Al-Shaab” forces.
11 – In this district, the mullahs’ seminary of Zeinabieh known as the Al-Mustafa Community is controlled by Khamenei’s office. Khamenei’s dispatched mullahs travel monthly to Tehran and Qom. The regime has recruited the Zeinabieh’s seminary mullahs by giving their tuition. The mullahs are distributed in different regions of Zeinabieh, and are trying to recruit mercenaries for the regime by giving money and facilities. Syrian military force is not present in this region and the whole region is at the hands of Iranian Revolutionary Guards, their Syrian agents and Lebanese Hezbollah. All social, cultural and security issues of the region and logistical support are dealt by the Quds Force that has stored a lot of weapons and logistical materials there.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 4, 2012


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