Khamenei insists on export of terrorism and fundamentalism to cloak his retreat from nuclear redlines


NCRI – Four days after reaching a nuclear deal with the P5+1 countries, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei who was speaking at Eid Fitr prayers attempted to cloak his retreat from his nuclear red lines in the nuclear deal by saying that the nuclear accord will not affect the regime’s policy of export of terrorism and fundamentalism throughout the region. He made little note of the successive defeats of his cohorts in Syria and Yemen.

Taking advantage of the international community’s indifference, especially that of the E.U. and U.S., to the Iranian regime’s crimes outside its borders, Khamenei resorted to saber rattling and said: whether the nuclear accord “is approved or not, we shall not allow the basic principles of the Islamic system to be harmed by anyone… whether approved or not, we shall not pull away from supporting our friends in the region, including the innocent nation of Palestine, the innocent nation of Yemen, the people and government of Syria, the people and government of Iraq, the innocent nation of Bahrain, the sincere warriors of the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine. We shall always support them… U.S. policies in the region are 180 degrees different from that of the Islamic Republic.”

Thus, in his first public appearance after the Vienna accord, Ali Khamenei decided to convey to his domestic adversaries, as well as to the international community, that his power and hegemony inside the regime are not threatened.

While his hirelings were shouting prearranged slogans of “death to America” and “death to Mojahedin [PMOI/MEK]”, he stated in a ludicrous lie: “They say that we have stopped Iran’s weapon. Iran’s nuclear weapon has nothing to do with the U.S. talks or negotiations with others; based on the percepts of the Quran and the Islamic Sharia, developing, keeping and using nuclear weapons are religiously forbidden, and we shall not resort to it.”

Khamenei’s absurd remarks are while Rouhani, the Iranian regime’s President, in his book “National Security and Nuclear Diplomacy” acknowledges that “in the year 2000, the Atomic Energy Organization [of Iran] promised officials that by March 2003 it would employ 54000 centrifuges with a capacity to produce 30 tons of 3.5% enriched fuel… the Atomic Energy Organization believed that it should first complete the Natanz site and then inform the IAEA” but the Mojahedin Organization [PMOI/MEK] “suddenly …arranged a press conference and brought fictitious allegations raising much tumult”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 18, 2015

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