Iranian Resistance welcomes condemnation of Iranian regime at OIC


Calls for its expulsion from OIC

The Iranian Resistance welcomes the condemnation of “Iran’s interference in internal affairs of the regional states and other Islamic countries” and “continued support for terrorism” in the final declaration of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit in Istanbul and sees it as a necessary and positive step in confronting fundamentalism and terrorism that has drawn the region into a crisis.

However, experience has shown that a firm and comprehensive approach is needed to push back this crisis-stricken anti-Islam regime from its aggressive policies. The OIC’s stance on April 15 needs to be complimented with the expulsion of this regime from the OIC, granting Iran’s seat to the Iranian people and Resistance, and supporting their desire for the overthrow of this regime.

The OIC summit also “condemned Hezbollah and its terrorist acts in the region and its support for terrorist groups and parties that has destabilized the security and tranquility of the OIC member states.”

The declaration was issued at a time that Rouhani, the regime’s president, Javad Zarif, foreign minister, and other officials of the mullahs’ regime had been doing their utmost to delete the above phrases from the OIC’s final declaration. But when they faced firm the response of other countries, Rouhani refused to take part in the OIC final meeting in disgrace.

The OIC’s stance is a clear indication of the abhorrence of the people and states in the region and the Islamic world against the religious fascism ruling Iran that relies on export of terrorism and fundamentalism for its survival. Following their forced withdrawal from the nuclear bomb and being engulfed by social and economic crises and domestic conflicts, the ruling mullahs are in more need of encroachment on the regional states in order to delay their inevitable overthrow.

National Council of Resistance of Iran
Foreign Affairs Committee
April 15, 2016

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