Iranian Resistance urges cancellation of Brussels visit by mullahs’ Foreign Minister

Iranian Resistance urges cancellation of Brussels visit by mullahs’ Foreign MinisterThe Iranian Resistance deplores the European Union officials’ receiving of clerical regime’s Foreign Minister, Manuchehr Mottaki. It calls on the Belgian government and the EU to cancel the Brussels visit.

Mottaki is not only the Foreign Minister of a religious, terrorist dictatorship that has undermined regional and global peace and tranquility, but he has also been involved in murder, suppression, and terrorism against dissidents. Instead of being welcomed in Europe, he should  be prosecuted in an international tribunal for his crimes against humanity.

This trip is scheduled at a time when the mullahs’ regime, ignoring international concerns, has officially resumed uranium enrichment, stepped up repression and executions at home and escalated its meddling in Iraq.

French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy’s comments acknowledging that the mullahs’ atomic projects are military oriented, reaffirm the need for comprehensive sanctions against the clerical regime. Welcoming Mottaki would only encourage Tehran to continue the nuclear projects.

Manuchehr Mottaki has a long history in the planning and organizating of terrorist activities, especially against Resistance’s activists and dissidents abroad.  Mottaki was directly involved in the planning and carrying out the abduction of Mr. Abol-Hassan Mojtahedzadeh, an Iranian Resistance activist in Istanbul in 1989 and the plot to assassinate Mr. Mohammad Mohadesin (NCRI’s Foreign Affaris Committee Chairman) and Hossein Abedini (an NCRI member) in 1990 in the same city.

After serving as ambassador to Turkey for four years, Mottaki retruned to the Foreign Ministry, where he provided logistics including passports to the regime’s terrorist agents. In 2002, he was appointed as the Vice-President of the “Culture and Islamic Communications Organization (ICCO),” the main organ responsible for the export of Islamic fundamentalism beyond Iran’s borders. One of ICCO’s main tasks is  the recruitment foreign nationals as members of  terrorist groups.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 19, 2006

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