Iranian Resistance condemns holy shrine bombings in Iraq

In an apprehensive reaction to the adoption of a resolution by the European Parliament in support of Ashraf, Iranian Mullahs attribute the explosions in Iraq to PMOI

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the terrorist and criminal attack on the Kazemein holy shrine on Friday, April 24, and expresses its condolences to the bereaved families and wishes quick recovery for the wounded.

Following the adoption of a resolution in support of Camp Ashraf residents in Iraq and their rights, the mullahs' regime, in an apprehensive and despicable reaction, attempted to attribute the recent bombings in Iraq to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) by propagating false reports through its media.

Jam-e-Jam, the Iranian state television, quoted ‘informed sources’ speaking about the PMOI’s involvement in suicide attacks on Thursday against Iranian pilgrims in Diyala province. It said, "European Union stresses on the presence of this dangerous grouplet in Iraq" and that the European Parliament "adopted a resolution acknowledging that its expulsion is a human rights violation" and "asked for the continuous presence of the 'Monafeqin' members (The derogatory term used by the Iranian regime for PMOI members) in the Iraqi territory.”

Such desperate attempts reveal the Iranian regime's role in this anti-human crime. This has been a known tactic of the mullahs' regime for years that it attributes its own crimes to the Iranian Resistance. Bombing of Imam Reza’s holy shrine in Mashhad in 1994 and the regime's efforts to attribute it to the PMOI is one of the most obvious examples of such tactics.

The religious dictatorship ruling Iran, which views the establishment of democracy and peace in Iraq as a hanging noose over its neck, is the only party that benefits from such murders and blind violence. This regime, under the name of Islam, exports terrorism and fundamentalism and incites conflicts throughout the region from Iraq to Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
25 April 2009

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