Iranian Resistance calls for issuance of international arrest warrant for mullahs’ new President


A look at the past record of mullahs’ new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, shows that his path to power has been paved with murder, assassination, hostage taking, suppression and torture. He has committed crimes against humanity.

The Iranian Resistance urges competent governmental and international authorities to issue and international arrest warrant for his arrest.

As a Revolutionary Guards member, Ahamdinejad was involved in the torture, execution and firing coup de grace at executed prisoners in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison and other torture centers since the early months of the mullahs’ rule.
He was among the founders of the Muslim Students Association, renamed the Office of Consolidation of Unity later. This office played a major role in identifying and arresting dissident students, especially Mojahedin sympathizers in universities. It was also very active during the so-called “Cultural Revolution” that led to widespread purge of students and the closure of educational institutions for a several years.
In 1981, Ahmadinejad, along with a number of “the Line of the Imam [Khomeini]” students, began working in the Prosecutor’s Office and in Evin Prison, where collaborated with .Mohammad Kachui (Warden of Evin) and Assadollah Lajevardi (Tehran Prosecutor). As a vicious torturer, Ahamdinejad led firing squads in early 1980s and personally fired coup de grace at executed prisoners.
In 1986, he joined the Revolutionary Guards Special Brigade based in Ramadan Garrison, headquartered in the western Iranian city of Kermanshah. Set up by the IRGC’s Intelligence Directorate, the Garrison was responsible for special operations and terrorist attacks in Iraqi territory. Ahmadinejad repeatedly took part in terrorist operations on Iraqi soil, especially in Kirkuk. Ramadan Garrison is the main base for the IRGC Qods [Jerusalem] force, formed several years later.
Brig. Gen. Mohammad Jafar Sahraroudi, then Ramadan Garrison’s commander, recruited Ahmadinejad for the July 1989 assassination in Vienna of Dr. Abdul-Rahman Qassemlou, the Secretary General of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran. Sahraroudi led the operation in which he was also wounded. Austrian authorities returned him and his accomplices to Tehran, however.
Ahamdinejad was the commander of one of the two hit squads, the first team being led by Sahraroudi himself. He also received the weapons and ammunition for this operation from the Iranian embassy in Vienna, which he provided to members of both hit-teams.
Ahmadinejad had extensive contacts with Hossein Sheikh-Attar, among those involved in the assassination of Shapour Bakhtiar, and convicted in absentia by a Paris court.
As Tehran’s Mayor, Ahmadinejad played an important role in facilitating the activities of the terrorist outfit, “Headquarters to Commemorate the Martyrs of Global Islamic Movement,” formed in 1982. The group has in recent months waged a vigorous campaign in Tehran and other cities to recruit volunteers for suicide operations against targets outside Iran, especially in Iraq.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 2, 2005

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