Iranian Regime’s Secret Torture Center in Iraq Exposed



Close down clerical regime’s torture chambers in Iraq
free two kidnapped members of Iranian Mojahedin

NCRI, November 16 – The discovery of a secret prison in Jadariya, Iraq, that was controlled and run by agents of the mullahs’ regime in the Iraqi Interior Ministry has shocked the world. According to press reports, more than 170 tortured prisoners suffering from acute malnutrition were interned in the prison. Some of the detainees were paralyzed from excessive torture and others had their flesh peeled off. A number of prisoners are in critical condition. These individuals were held illegally and without any evidence against them.
The uncovered torture facility and the crimes committed there are only the tip of the iceberg of the crimes of the anti-human mullahs’ regime perpetrated in Iraq.
On August 4, 2005, two members of the Iranian Mojahedin were kidnapped by agents of the mullahs’ regime in Baghdad. The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran declared in a statement issued on August 8, 2005 that Messrs. Hossein Pouyan and Mohammad Ali Zahedi were kidnapped in Baghdad’s Outer Karradah Street by agents of the mullahs’ regime in the Iraqi Interior Ministry. The hostages were initially taken to the Interior Ministry building and then transferred to an unknown location by two white patrol cars leaving the Ministry’s rear entrance. The PMOI said at the time that the eight-man group that had kidnapped Messrs. Pouyan and Zahedi was a patrol unit in the Jadariya and Karradah Kharej neighborhood of Baghdad. The two Mojahedin are still in captivity and under torture.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the international community to put an end to the Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq and to close down the regime’s torture and murder chambers in that country. The export of terrorism and fundamentalism and the establishment of a puppet regime in Iraq is a necessary part of the mullahs’ strategy to save their shameful grip on power.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the Iraqi government, the Multinational Force – Iraq, and all human rights organizations to assist in the freedom and rescue of the lives of the two Mojahedin who were kidnapped 105 days ago by agents of the mullahs’ regime in the Iraqi Interior Ministry.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 16, 2005

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