Iranian regime’s intelligence chief in Iraq to ‘follow up PMOI expulsions’

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s Minister of Intelligence has arrived in the Iraqi capital Baghdad for talks that include the ‘serious follow-up’ of the expulsion of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK ) from Iraq.

Arriving in Baghdad on Monday, Heydar Moslehi met with Faleh Fayyaz, the national Security advisor of Nouri al-Maliki’s government in Iraq.

Following the meeting, Moslehi told the Iranian regime’s state-run TV: “The serious follow-up of the expulsion of the PMOI is a particular issue that will be discussed. We are determined to expel this group from Iraq and with the co-ordination in place, we hope that this group will be expelled from Iraq. And their fate will be determined as soon as possible.”

A day earlier, in a letter to Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Martin Kobler threatened of another attack on Ashraf by Iraqi forces.

Mr Kobler wrote: “The government has now decided to go ahead with the legal procedures to close Camp Ashraf. Please note that we do not in any way associate ourselves with the procedures of the government of Iraq.”

The Iranian Resistance said in a statement that Kobler’s letter gives carte blanche for another massacre of 3,200 Iranian refugees in Iraq.

Moslehi said: “We have 35 years experience in fighting terrorism and we are ready to provide our expetise to immediately establish full security for the people of Iraq.”

Moslehi’s remarks come at the time when, on a daily basis, the organizers and leaders of anti-Maliki demonstrations in cities across Iraq are being targeted and killed by terrorist groups affiliated to the Iranian regime and the government of Nouri al-Maliki.

Moreover, there is an increasing consensus that the criminal acts of explosions in Iraq are being directed and organized by the Iranian regime’s Quds force and Iraqi forces.

Heydar Moslehi, who is tasked by the regime Supreme Leader to visit Iraq to pursue the PMOI’s expulsion, is a close ally of Ali Khamenei and whose persistence saw him reinstated as Minister of Intelligence and Security.
Moslehi is in close contact with the intelligence branch of Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its Quds Force.
Molehi’s visit to Iraq, his remarks on the PMOI and Martin Kobler’s remarks a day earlier, signals the Iranian regime and Government of Iraq’s ominous plans for another massacre of the 3,200 Iranian refugees in Iraq.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary General, the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees and the US Government to act immediately on their responsibilities for the security and well-being of the residents of Camps Liberty and Ashraf.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 2, 2013

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