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Iranian regime prepares forces to wage sectarian war in Iraq in case of nationalists victory

 On the eve of Iraqi elections, mullahs’ regime assigns groups affiliated with Qods Force for assassination of Iraqi nationalist leaders and prepares forces to wage sectarian war in case of a nationalist victory

NCRI – Just ahead of the Iraqi elections, Iranian regime has heightened efforts to influence the election results by widespread rigging and has increased its plot against nationalist and independent figures and movements to unprecedented levels.  These actions take place in fear of increasing isolation of its affiliated groups and in response to immense support for independent and nationalist movements that oppose mullahs’ regime domination in Iraq.

On one hand the mullahs’ have assigned Qods Force's special groups to assassinate Iraqi figures who oppose Iranian regime while on the other hand they have prepared their affiliated forces to wage a sectarian war, in case of victory by the Iraqi alternative.

Assessments by Iranian regime’s Supreme National Security Council, as well as reports that are reviewed regularly by Khamanei, indicate that if the election take the its natural route, there will be a great chance of victory by nationalist and independent movements resulting in the loss of hegemony by regime and its affiliated parties in Iraq. The reports are prepared by Iranian regime’s Qods Force, Embassy in Baghdad, special Iraqi affairs headquarters and their manufactured political parties in Iraq.

Khamanei and the regime's Supreme National Security Council have assigned Ghasem Soleimani, head of the Qods Forces, to execute a specific plan to eliminate nationalist and independent Iraqi figures.

Subsequently, the Qods Force held a special briefing back in January for commanders of special terror groups.  A Qods force officer said at this briefing that Iraq is in critical state and forces opposing Iranian regime may win the elections.  The hegemony in Iraq should stay at the hands of forces affiliated to Iranian regime at any price and in no way should it be given to figures such as Allawi and Mutlak.  If these people win in the elections, sectarian war should be waged similar to that of years 2007- 2008 and incidents such as Samarra Shrine should begin happening again and the personalities and their supporters whether Baathist, Sunni or laity should be assassinated.  Elements in Iraqi security organs not in line with that of the regime should be eliminated and the security organs should accept regime’s intended results.

After the briefing, the special forces made appropriate structural changes to raise team performance and recruit new members with more combat capabilities and a higher sense of security.  They were provided with more independent decision making power to assassinate in various regions of the country using cars or on foot.  They were organized in teams of 4-5 persons.  Every 20 teams will receive assassination orders from one commander.  The Qods force will provide all logistics to the teams, including training, armament such as silencers and sticking bombs.  The Qods Force has come up with a Fatwa indicating “those elements related to Allawi and Matlak, indiscriminately are Moharebs and corrupt on the earth so based on Sharia Law should be executed.”

In a report to the Qods Force, the head of commanding body for these special assassination teams in Baghdad, writes: “Our organization has performed over 50 assassinations just during the past 4 days in regions including New-Baghdad, Sadr City, Al-Shaab, Qanat al-Jaish, Karrada and other areas in Baghdad.  Targets have been security and military chiefs and officers, a judge in Rassafa and another judge who was involved in great crimes.”  He adds, “This organization has assassinated 10 to 12 persons daily on the average.” 

According to a report that reached Qods Force on 3 March, 2010, about 400 operations in Baghdad and other cities have been executed by special groups during the past 25 days.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 6, 2010