Iranian regime lies to cover up background of mullah behind hostage taking in Australia


NCRI – The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the criminal hostage-taking of innocent civilians in Sidney, Australia, and expresses its solidarity with the victims’ families.

The hostage-taker, mullah Haron Monis, when arrived many years ago in Australia from Iran, had declared that he had been an advisor to the Iranian regime’s Minister of Intelligence.The cleric who used the name Manteghi Boroujerdi in Iran, had also declared he knew many secrets of the regime and had transferred much information out of Iran.

On Tuesday, December 16, the Financial Review of Australia reminded that back in 2001, in an “interview with ABC, Monis said he was an Iranian spy who was turned on by his own government… Asked why he fled Iran in 1996, Monis said he had formerly worked with Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security… ‘The Iranian regime wants to make me silent, because I have some secret information about the (Iranian) government and about their terrorist operations,’ he said at that time.”

On 5 February 2001, in a call-in message to Radio Israel Farsi service, Boroujerdi (Monis) had said: “It is time to disclose the information.”

On 8 April 2001, he made a disclosure through the same radio saying that he had discussed the blowing up of Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia with the Iranian regime’s Chief of General Command Headquarters of Armed Forces Major General Firuzabadi.

The explosion of Khobar Tower was carried out on 25 June 1996 by the terrorist Qods Force and was commanded by Ahmad Vahidi who was Defense Minister in the second term of government of Ahmadinejad.

As is the routine with the Iranian regime, in a ridiculous attempt to cover up, state-run Tasnim News Agency, affiliated with the terrorist Qods Force, brazenly claimed in an absurd lie on December 16 that the hostage-taker mullah had been among those “expelled from one of the country’s universities who later became a supporter of PMOI.”

Meanwhile, the spokesperson for the Iranian regime Foreign Ministry claimed: “The background and the mental and psychological condition of this individual who sought refuge in Australia two decades ago had been repeatedly discussed with the Australian authorities and his condition was perfectly clear to that country’s officials” (Iranian state TV – December 16, 2014)

Fars News Agency, affiliated with the revolutionary guards, intentionally blamed the Iranian refugees for this criminal hostage-taking act and described the hostage-taker as a hustler that “was not handed over to Iran under the pretext of being a political refugee”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 16, 2014


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