Iranian regime agents dispatched to France to carry out plots

NCRI – The Iranian regime, engulfed in internal, regional and international crises following the delisting of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in the US, is dispatching new agents to France to carry out its plots against the Iranian Resistance and the democratic alternative to the Iranian regime.

One of the disclosed agents recently dispatched to Paris is Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad. He  has been recruited and employed by the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) since April 2012. To gain some credibility for the agent, the Iranian regime introduced him back in April in Baghdad with the fabricated title of “Massoud Rajavi’s senior Arabic interpreter”.

Photo: Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad assisting Heydar Azab Mashi (Murderer of Ashraf residents during July 2009 and April 2011 attacks)

A well-known MOIS agent in Paris by the name of Jahangir Shadanlou is tasked to resolve Hossein-Nejad’s legal and residential affairs, including obtaining political refugee asylum status for him. Shadanlou’s role as an MOIS agent already has been revealed in a book titled “VAVAK at the service of the Ayatollahs” by former French Counter-terrorism Organization (DST ) chief Yves Bonnet. Also his role as an MOIS  agent already has been proven in a ruling by a court in Paris on February 11, 2010.

The joint Pentagon and US Library of Congress report on MOIS’ actions and methods, published in December 2012 underscores the following:

“MOIS infiltrates Iranian communities outside of Iran using a variety of methods. For instance, a society called ‘Supporting Iranian Refugees’ in Paris is used to recruit Iranian asylum seekers to spy on Iranians in France.”


The report reiterates that:

“The Iranian government considers Mojahedin-e-Khalq to be the organization that most threatens the Islamic Republic of Iran. One of the main responsibilities of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security is to conduct covert operations against Mojahedin-e-Khalq and to identify and eliminate its members…. The ministry has a Department of Disinformation, which is in charge of creating and waging psychological warfare against the enemies of the Islamic Republic.”

Hossein-Nejad  surrendered himself last April to Iraqi forces under Maliki’s command and began cooperating full-time with MOIS agents and Iraqi officers who were involved in two massacres of Ashraf residents.

The NCRI statement on September 24,  2012 in this regard stated:

“Nine agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and terrorist Quds force as well as hired agents of the regime were dispatched from Baghdad to Camp Ashraf to harass and intimidate the residents with the backing of Iraqi forces early Monday afternoon. The MOIS agents  included Mohammad Karim Fanoudi, Mohammad Akbarzadeh, Abdolkarim Ebrahimi,  Hassan Sharghi, Ghorbanali Hosseinejad and Maryam Mortezai Sanjabi.

These agents, escorted by Iraqi forces, were taken to Mo’in complex which has been under Iraqi forces’ occupation since the massacre of Ashraf residents in April 2011. They set up stage managed shows and took photographs and films. They later went to Laleh Square within Ashraf with the help of Iraqi forces where they started pelting rocks at residents. During this assault one of the residents, Hassan Jabbari, suffered injuries on his head and neck.”




Photo: Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad assisting a masked agents of the Iranian regime’s terrorist Quds Force outside Ashraf




Photo: Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad along with other MOIS agents outside Camp Ashraf

This agent does not hide his collaboration and incorporation with the MOIS. He has posted pictures of Khomeini and Mullah Sanei, Iranian regime’s prosecutor in the 1980s, in the Facebook page created by the MOIS for his use. Hossein-Nejad’s letter of repentance is also posted in his Facebook page, in which he describes his apprentice work for “martyr Dr. Bahonar,” and his cooperation in translating  a book by “the late Ayatollah Meshkini’s”.

The MOIS used Ghorban Ali to psychologically torture her daughter, Zeinab who is a PMOI member.  On 21 October 2012,  Zeinab, 34, a Camp Liberty resident, wrote an open-letter of complaint to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNAMI officials in Iraq and the UNHCR:

“I … was relocated to Camp Liberty  on  15  September  2012  due  to  a  mandatory  and  involuntary  displacement. Despite being a newcomer to Camp Liberty, I was oddly called for an interview by UNHCR on Wednesday, October 17 even without having gone through the first stage of registration process. In the UNHCR office, I learned that I had been called because of the lies made by a person by the name of Ali Hossein Nejad. According to his letter to Mr. Kobler that has been posted on websites affiliated to Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS), he has claimed that his daughter ‘Zeinab Hossein Nejad’, i.e. me, has been taken hostage by the PMOI.

In my private interview with UNHCR, I underscored that … these are the very same false allegations made by notorious intelligence service of the dictator regime ruling Iran … their goal is nothing but preparing the ground to massacre the residents.

Hereby, I wish to let you know that I voluntarily and eagerly joined the PMOI since more than a decade ago and never decided leave them in the past or to leave them in future, because I am in an organization that is struggling against a fascist regime to free Iranian people. Further, I reiterated that since he has now become a hireling of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence, I absolutely shall never accept even his phone call for the rest of my life.”

As the MIOS schemes aimed at annihilating the main Iranian opposition force vanished in thin air, on 17 June 2012, MIOS directed the Iranian regime state-run media to quote  Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad as saying: “PMOI officials were bribing authorities in UNHCR so that during interviews with the members of the grouplet for registering their refugee application, the UNHCR authorities do not take into account the applicants wish for defecting the sect and returning to Iran.”

After receiving all kind of ‘services’ from Hossein-Nejad, the MOIS has dispatched the agent to France to spy and continue the demonizing campaign against the PMOI and Iranian Resistance.

Prior to this, the PMOI had issued three discharge notices for Hossein-Nejad. And also in April and August 2010, and June 2011 PMOI had registered him with UNAMI and US officials as a person wishing to depart Ashraf.

The Iranian Resistance calls for the implementation of the April 1997 decision of European Union Council of Ministers to exclude “Iranian intelligence personnel from European Union Member States” and charge, take  to court and expel from Europe the agents of Iranian regime’s Ministry of  Intelligence and Security.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 15, 2013

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