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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismIranian opposition calls for int'l tribunal to prosecute regime’s senior officials

Iranian opposition calls for int’l tribunal to prosecute regime’s senior officials

Supplemented bill of indictment by Argentinean prosecutor reiterates on arrest warrants for seven senior officials and operatives of mullahs’ regime

Iranian Resistance underscores the need to establish an international tribunal by the UN Security Council to try Iranian regime’s senior officials for participation in terrorism and crime against humanity

NCRI – Argentina’s Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman, in a supplemented indictment of 500 pages, published further documents and evidence on the responsibility of the clerical regime and its leaders and operatives in the AMIA bombing of July 1994 in Buenos Aires.

He once again reiterated on the arrest warrants for seven leaders of this regime as culprits in this terrorist bombing. These seven are: Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, the then President and current head of mullahs’ State Exigency Council; Ali Akbar Velayati, the then Foreign Minister and current advisor to Khamenei; Mohsen Rezaii, the then commander of IRGC and secretary of regime’s State Exigency Council; Ahmad Vahidie, the then commander of the terrorist Qods Force (Ahamdinejad’s Defense Minister); Mohsen Rabbani, the then cultural envoy; and Ahmadreza Asghari, the then third secretary of mullahs’ regime embassy in Argentina.

In this supplemented indictment, as well as the original one that was presented to court in 2006, special prosecutor refers to press conferences, interviews and press statements by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), as well as testimonies by Messrs. Ebrahim Zakeri, the then chair for NCRI Security and Anti-terrorism Commission, and Hadi Roshanravani, member of this commission, who disclosed exact details of clerical regime’s role in this crime.

Three weeks after the AMIA bombing, in a press conference in Washington on August 10, 1994 at the presence of dozens of reporters, the Iranian Resistance underscored that the AMIA bombing has been planned and organized by regime’s Supreme National Security Council. In a letter to the Secretary General on August 20, the Iranian Resistance referred to the role of the Iranian regime in this crime and called for an oil and weapons embargo on this regime and expulsion of representatives of this illegitimate regime from international community emphasizing that cutting off any political, economic and military aid to this regime and its diplomatic boycott is the sole avenue to contain terrorism and barbarism of this regime, expedite establishment of democracy in Iran, and to end this most ominous tragedy at the end of the twentieth century.

The supplemented indictment that has raised fears in the clerical regime and its leaders was presented to the court in May despite the fact that in recent months the regime worked hard to end this dossier through deals and certain economic concessions. In order to cover up this 18-year-old dossier, Iranian regime made an agreement with the Argentinean government on 27 January 2013 to form a mutually agreeable delegation to investigate this file.
Argentine prosecutor’s supplemented bill of indictment has exposed in detail this regime’s terrorist network in various Latin American countries that are working under cover of cultural and religious associations and has shown that this terrorist network that has been involved in the AMIA bombing has also carried out many other terrorist operations in the region.

Following discovery of the terrorist plot to blow up JFK Airport in New York and the apprehension of one of its elements called Abdulqadir and disclosure of his continuous communications with Mohsen Rabbani, the key figure in the 1994 bombing in Buenos Aires, Argentine’s special prosecutor began his new investigations and as included in the supplemented indictment once again arrived at the conclusion that his previous conclusions about involvement of the Iranian regime in the AMIA crime have been accurate. Abdulqadir had many trips to Iran and at the time of his arrest was travelling to Iran through Trinidad and Venezuela. His arrest disclosed functions and dimensions of clerical regime’s terrorist networks in Latin America and the Caribbean Sea.

Mohsen Rabbani returned to Tehran after the AMIA crime and is now currently director of the so-called “Andisheh Sharq (East’s Mindset)” cultural institution and advisor to president of “Jame’eh al-Mostafa” in Qom that is the center for training foreign terrorists from various countries under cover of religious and cultural missioners.

Leaders and operatives of the clerical regime are not just under prosecution by Argentine’s judiciary. Previously, Germany’s judiciary found them guilty as perpetrators in the assassination of Iranian Kurdish leaders in Myconos restaurant in Berlin in 1992 and issued indictments for a number of them. Some of the criminals under prosecution by Argentina have been found guilty by the Swiss prosecutor judge for involvement in the assassination of Professor Kazem Rajavi, the great martyr of human rights, back in 1990; and Judge Jean Antenin issued an international arrest warrant in 2006 for Ali Fallahian. Italian judges found the Iranian regime and its leaders as perpetrators in the assassination of Mohammad-Hossein Naqdi, representative of NCRI in that country. The role of regime’s leaders, including Manouchehr Mottaki, the then ambassador of the regime to Turkey and foreign minister of Ahmadinejad, in the assassination and abduction of PMOI and NCRI members and Iranian opposition and anti-fundamentalist intellectuals in that country has been proven.

Additionally, special court for terrorism in Washington has issued dozens of verdicts on the direct role of Khamenei, Rafsanjani, Fallahian, IRGC and the Islamic Republic government and found Iran responsible for terrorist crimes in different countries, condemning this regime to pay massive fines.

However, the anti-human clerical regime has never responded to requests by these countries to hand over criminals to the judiciaries for investigations and to face justice.
Emphasizing that leaders of no government in recent decades have been so much involved in criminal assassinations at the international level, considering that many of these terrorist operations are doubtless crimes against humanity, and considering that leaving these crimes unanswered encourages this regime to continue and expand its policy for export of terrorism, the Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Security Council to through launching an international tribunal and trying leaders of this regime for their active participation in export of terrorism and crime against humanity do not leave unanswered in twenty-first century one of the worst cases of crime against humanity. Paying no heed to crime against humanity surely will not only encourage this regime to continue with these crimes, but to keep transgressing on international law and its nuclear weapon project.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 12, 2013