Iran-US: NCRI welcomes US acknowledgement that Ahmadinejad is terrorist, urges UN not to receive him

Members of Ahmadinejad’s entourage have long record in terrorist crimes

NCRI, September 1 – ABC news reported last night that the State Department had found Ahmadinejad to be a "terrorist" and ineligible to receive a visa to enter the United States. However, because of its obligations to the United Nations, it would not oppose his visit to New York to take part in the upcoming United Nations General Assembly meeting.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran welcomes the State Department’s acknowledgement that Ahmadinejad is a terrorist and urges the United Nations and its Secretary General to deny the criminal terrorist and hostage taker access to the United Nations, the seat of the great family of nations.

By any criteria, Ahmadinejad is a criminal against humanity and responsible for killing thousands of innocent people in and out of Iran. He does not represent the Iranian people in any way and his visit to the United Nations under whatever pretext would run counter to the UN’s spirit and objectives.

Many members of his entourage, including Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, have long records in planning and organizing terrorist attacks and abductions and must be denied entry to the U.S.

As the regime’s ambassador to Turkey in the 1980s, Mottaki was responsible for the murder of a large number of Iranian dissidents, Turkish individuals and foreign diplomats in that country. He planned and organized the abduction of Mr. Abol-Hassan Mojtahedzadeh in 1988 in Istanbul and the failed attempt on the lives of Messrs Mohammad Mohaddessin, NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chair, and Hossein Abedini, a member of the Committee, in 1990. For these reasons, the Turkish government declared him persona non-grata.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 1, 2005

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