Iran’s Rouhani Contacts Syrian Dictator, Backs Chemical Massacre


Khamenei told Rouhani to certainly register as a candidate: Iran’s Industry Minister

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani expressed his support over the phone for Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s killing of this country’s people, claiming the Idlib chemical attack is “false and without evidence”, outrageously accusing the opposition for the attack.

“The use of chemical weapons… was aimed to diverse the general public’s attention from the truth. We must not permit terrorists use such weaponry, then accuse others and provide pretexts for measures in violation of international regulations,” he said. (Iranian state media – April 9)

Rouhani is the same criminal who has for 38 years accused the Iranian opposition of oppressing and killing the Iranian people, and considers deceiving the international community on Tehran’s nuclear program as one of his main prides.

In other developments, Mohammad Reza Ne’matzadeh, Rouhani’s Minister of Industries and Mines made startling remarks on April 8th in an interview with the Aftab News website associated to Rouhani’s faction.

“Rouhani once said in a cabinet meeting how he asked [Khamenei] what is in our interest. Should I participate or not? [Khamenei] emphasized you must participate as a candidate. I am certain that if [Khamenei] said, for example, don’t participate, it is not in our interest, he would have accepted it immediately. He makes no decision on major issues without [Khamenei’s] blessing,” he said. While emphasizing on Rouhani’s complete abidance of Khamenei’s instructions on various issues regarding the nuclear negotiations, Ne’matzadeh added, “Since 1963 Rouhani was a student of Khomeini and followed his instructions. Afterwards, wherever he had any role or responsibility, it was always according to Khamenei’s approval.”

Last month Iranian MP Mahmoud Sadeghi cited Rouhani in a meeting with other MPs how he had sought Khamenei’s opinion before taking part in the 2013 presidential election.

According to Sadeghi in response Khamenei said, “I have and never had any problems with you. We can work together.”

“Khamenei emphasized on his old friendship with Rouhani and not only does he have no negative opinion about him, in fact he thinks positive of Rouhani,” Sadeghi added. (“Arman Rooz” – March 12)
Rouhani’s phone call with the Syrian dictator and providing his utmost support for this war criminal, parallel to Khamenei blessing his candidacy, all prove that various factions of the mullahs’ establishment are no different in their domestic crackdown and plundering the Iranian people’s wealth, they also commonly support exporting terrorism and fundamentalist, and fully back Assad and his massacre of the Syrian people.

They understand very well that with Assad overthrown the pillars of their own religious fascist establishment ruling Iran will be shaken. A few months ago Khamenei admitted if his regime fails to fight in Syria, they will be forced to fight in Tehran, Fars, Khorasan and Isfahan. (State-run media – January 5)

Assad and his senior ranks, alongside Khamenei, Rouhani and Revolutionary Guards commanders, are the main perpetrators behind the killing of 500,000 Syrians and more than half the country’s population being displaced, and they must face justice. Their criminal record is far worse than many of those tried in the Nuremberg hearings.
“Rouhani said to his cohorts he obtained Khamenei’s approval to run,” the Iranian Resistance said in an April 7 statement, adding Ebrahim Raisi also announced his candidacy only after obtaining Khamenei’s agreement to participate in the sham presidential election.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 10, 2017

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